The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Psalms in the series Lesson 5, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “How can we sing the Lord’s song with a Presbyterian/Baptist Celebration style using drums and electronic acoustics that silence the Holy Spirit?.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on pages until page 57-58.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---“As sin corrupts the world more and more, the earth has increasingly become ‘a strange land’ to God’s people. This reality creates a problem for the psalmist: How does one live a life of faith in a strange land?”

---The author of the Lesson is making what was the Exilic people on the banks of the river Tigris asking them after a long walk to sing them songs of their country, into song of the whole earth sang by anyone in any generation even ours. Well? OK.

---Let us change the tune of the Psalmist: How shall we sing the Lord’s song as Adventist with a Yonsei-Presbyterian Celebration style with drums and cymbals and electric guitar and acoustics turned high to silence the Holy Spirit speaking softly in our minds as Romans 8:26 says?

---Wow. What are you talking about?

---SAY. They are introducing drums and electronic tricks to raise the excitement of the passions and emotions and hope that this spirit is the right Spirit. Well, according to Adventist history, the Indiana experience that Stephen Haskell’s wife reported on in 1899 in the book The Crisis to Victory by Owen in 1966, not.

---From the time Ellen White left the USA a team of pastors tried to introduce an experiential worship style with dancing and movement and shouting halleluyah and amen between 1891-1900.

---So now in my congregation, depending on the pastor, the moves by certain characters in the congregation is to push for these Presbyterian/Baptist Celebration songs to be sung during an Adventist service.

---They sing Adventist song + Adventist song + Celebration song that is totally foreign to our concepts.

---How can we sing to the Lord with a strange worship style?

---These university students then go to their country churches where there moms and dads are worshipping on Sabbath with a non-celebration style. Typical Adventism as it is proper.

---What happened? They sit at the back of the church, head down or twitter in their smartphones. Hello. And they are studying Theology.

---Can you see what the Lord is asking us to wake up from? Laodicean sleep.

---While the saints are sleeping the enemy is busy sowing the thistles.

---They are breeding a generation that is foreign to Adventism and when they grow up they are going to create major problems for the regular proper Adventists because they focus on commitment and not content also.

---As long as you have a thin sauce of salvation cries you are OK. Study the prophecies or Bible truths that the Holy Spirit wants to broaden ourselves to? Nothing. Not interested.

---In 1818 a Moravian missionary visited South Africa in Genadedal. There was a Lutheran church and mission.

---He attended the worship. The organist played the war marches of Joseph Hayden. He was shocked. That for worship?

---The pastor preached that he hoped the young people will convert that they can live out their Christian life more properly. The Moravian missionary agreed.

---John Calvin in 1547 wrote a letter concerning problems with young people.

Calvin complained that young people are corrupt for running after fashion to make holes in their clothes

“And the state of our young people, especially, is very corrupt; so that, when we will not allow them every license, they go from bad to worse. 

---Of late, they were sorely enraged under cover of a small matter.

---It was because they were not allowed to wear slashed breeches, which has been prohibited in the town for these twelve years past.

---Not that we would make overmuch of this, but because we see that, by the loop-holes of the breeches, they wish to bring in all manner of disorders.

---We have protested, however, in the meantime, that the slashing of their breeches was but a mere piece of foppery, which was not worth speaking about, but that we had quite another end in view, which was to curb and to repress their follies.

---During this little conflict, the devil has interjected others, so that there has been great murmuring.

---And because they perceived in us more courage than they could have wished, and more determination to resist them, the venom which some of them had concealed within their heart burst forth.

---But this is nought but smoke; for their threats are nothing else but a splutter of the pride of Moab, who is powerless to execute what he thus presumes to threaten.”

CCII.—To the Faithful of France. This 24th of July 1547

---Well there you have it. Young people problems of fashion in 1547 for Calvin, young people problems in 1818 for the Moravian visitor to a Lutheran church in South Africa and us in 2023 with the SAY experiment on Campus.

---How come Satan is always involved in creating problems around us? If we are asleep the enemy sows tares and thistles.

---Are you asleep? Grab your phone and navigate to the nearest Adventist Church. You need to be there at 9h20 because then they start studying the Psalms. See you there.