The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Mission in the series Lesson 8, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “Mission is Jesus and His reading of Isaiah in Luke 4 for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Mission”.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on pages 100-101.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---Jesus opened Isaiah in the Hebrew and unrolled the scroll for the event described in Luke 4:18-19.

---If you read it, it is not exactly the same in Isaiah 61:1-3.

---Relax. Do not get excited or anxious.

---Unrolling the scroll of Isaiah that was handed to Him he came to Isaiah 29:18 and saw a phrase: “and the eyes of the blind shall see”. He stored it in His memory.

---He continued unrolling the scroll.

---He stopped at Isaiah 56:6 and read softly “and set the oppressed free”. He stored this also in His memory.

---He rolled further on the scroll and came to Isaiah 61:1-3. He stopped.

---He read quietly the three verses that was familiar to Him because He is the owner of the whole Bible. He is Lord of the Old Testament.

---He stopped at verse 3 and looked up. When He came to this verse He started to speak (Luke 4:17).

---What is to follow is the form of Luke 4:18-19.

---It appears to be the form of Isaiah 61:1-3 but actually is similar and not exactly the same.

---This genre or style of talking was common also at Qumran in 4QTestimonia.

---It is the style of stringing together phrases from Isaiah 61:1-3, Isaiah 29:18 and Isaiah 58:6.

---Christ omitted the word “Lord” in Isaiah 61:1a and Isaiah 61:1b.

---He also omitted “to heal the broken-hearted”.

---The word aphesis in Greek has a similar translation as “liberty” in BDB 204 for drwr and is listed in Liddell and Scott (Abbreviated version 137) as “dismissal” or “letting go”.

---Jesus also omitted the phrase in Isaiah 61:1 “and to those in bondage, opening of waiting” or alternatively translated “and to those in bondage, opening of ropes”.

---In its place Jesus cut and paste Isaiah 29:18 the phrase “and [they eyes of] the blind to see”.

---Jesus stopped the citation just after Isaiah 61:2a.

---Jesus omitted the next phrase from Isaiah 61 from His citation: “and the day of the vengeance of our God”. This is an eschatological phrase and the fulfillment is at the Second Advent and He did not want them to confuse it with the First Advent.

---Does Jesus ignore the Hebrew of the consonantal text of the Masoretic Tradition and substitute it with the Septuagint or Greek LXX? No.

---Does Jesus take what is eschatological and apply it to His First Advent? No.

---Does Jesus proclaim “Realized Eschatology” (C. Dodd). No.

---The way New Testament users of the Old Testament cited was: memory, exactly literal, paraphrase but, not for one moment was their citation in conflict with the Old Testament text.

---So now you know how Christ cited Isaiah and how it came to be the shape and form it is in Luke 4:16. Do not say that Jesus was confused or Jesus was inaccurate. Or Jesus was changing the Bible.

---Jesus was not “progressive” or “fluid” in biblical messages of God.

---He gave exactly what was packed in it and brought them together with a method commonly used also at Qumran.

---How do we help the PTSD patients and people around us? With PTG post Trauma Growth. A growth in Christ and the Holy Spirit. A phasing out of the strong drugs supplied for PTSD.

---Are you willing to make changes in your life? Begin by closing your eyes to some things in life. You will get far in changing. Believe me. Depend on the Holy Spirit and Christ.

---Ask Christ to clothe you (Romans 13:14) and Satan cannot find you!

---What an escape in daily light.

---Are you ready to change. When? Immediately.