The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Mission in the series Lesson 3, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “Mission as not clinging to own race options for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Mission”.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on pages 35.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

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---Acts 8:4, that “those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went”. Scattered by Persecution.

---Jesus tried very hard to make a breakthrough with the Jews. He said I came with a mission to the children of Israel but He did not ignore the people from Samaria or elsewhere.

---So the disciples were still clinging on the idea of taking the message to their own people.

---Even Paul did not slip a chance to see his relatives at the temple for a high day when he could.

---Is it not amazing that Jesus did not say to any woman, please become my disciple and become an apostle.

---He did not say to Mary in John 8 when she was pronounced forgiven by Christ that she should now become an apostle and when she one day have a flock be a good pastor to them. Correct?

---One may say that it is not important for it is just a little issue. Is it?

---It was just an apple for Eve. It is just Saturday or Sunday? What difference could a day make or an apple? It did.

---Why? For God said so. The same with the product of the Holy Spirit as Editor, the Word of God. If it speaks, who must listen? Us.

---Can I take corners with the Word of God?

---No. What if I do? There is such a thing as punishment meted out for the person, institution or country.

---Country? Because of the sins of one person? Yes. The security of any country depends on whether individuals in that country is following the Lord with all their heart. If they do the country is blessed. Wow. Really? Really.

---Where is safety of a country then? Army or faith? Faith of the true believers of God.

---Then I should start to believe right away. But it should be the truth. Where do I find truth? Adventist 4.1 Christianity is what you need. Right away.

---For every believer there are two angels to protect against Satan having only one demon. So the numbers get large the more people believe. But the Holy Spirit is also God.

---The Holy Spirit is very powerful and no army, listen to this, no army on this globe can work against Him.

---The Spirit is there to protect the faithful. There are reasons when they die but there are all the reasons when they survive. How do we know this? Daniel 4:17. God choose who should rule and who not. He puts up and He takes down.

---When? As long as He decides. What if people built structures of politics not to be replaced by something else. The Holy Spirit can break it down. How? He is in everyone and can be.

---God does not allow humans to make of Him a machine-God that we just use as an instrument against our perceived enemies.

---He will do it His way. His time. His plan. His scenario and end it His way.

---But what if my country is a puppet of another bigger power?

---God can bring the bigger power or its leader or structure down too. Do they want to challenge Him and see? We have examples in history of Sennacherib in the days of Hezekiah and Isaiah. Big disaster in one night. 5180 soldiers died in one night. He had big mouth things to say about their God.

---So do you need faith?

---Is you phone out to find the nearest Adventist church near you? When? Immediately.