Learning Hebrew: Starter

koot van wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)

Kyungbook National University

Sangju Campus

South Korea

Conjoint lecturer of Avondale College


20 March 2010

There are millions of people who wish they could read the Bible in the original and wish they could read Hebrew. Did you know that the desire to learn Hebrew means you are 50% already there?

So let us start immediately. Pray that God will be your Teacher. Pray for patience, understanding and endurance.

What do you need?

Print out these two pages (Text Sheet and Worksheet) and duplicates in case you make mistakes.

Get a pencil or pen ready.

The Text Sheet is divided in 5 registers:

1. Transliterated Words

2. Transliterated Letters

3. Hebrew

4. Afrikaans Translation

5. English Translation

So what do you do? Here is the Recipe:

* Take the Text Sheet and underneath 5, translate the English to your own language: Korean, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Zulu, Xhosa, etc.

* Now take the Worksheet and start to Copy the letters in (3) in one line like demonstrated.

* After that, use Roman letters for each Hebrew letter (we call it transliteration).

* Next, write the same letters into words, since the order is from right to left. That is the way Hebrew reads. It is (1).

* Then Translate the words into your own language (5).

* Continue on the Worksheet with the words that you have not finished yet on the Text Sheet.

Many people travel to work in the morning and they can use these two sheets to play with Hebrew in the bus, train, airplane. It is really fun to work with the Word of God.

Shalom and enjoy your Hebrew Bible.

Hebrew Bible? Biblica Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS).

Learning to work with Hebrew.jpgLearning to work with Hebrew worksheet.jpg