African Mission Story 2


koot van wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)

Kyungpook National University

Sangju Campus

South Korea

Conjoint lecturer of Avondale College


30 May 2010


Teaching the gospel in a different culture is always fun. It is the chance to bring the Word of God to the people in their own terms. The following story is dating back to nearly 1968 when a mission story book was given to me as a gift which I read on Sabbaths on the farm when all farm activities were shut down for the sake of Sabbath.


In Africa a farmer had a farm.

The farmer had a house on the farm.

He had a land and he ploughed it and put seeds in the ground.

The corn seeds grew and grew.

It grew and had corns on them, big ones.

The farmer was very happy.

He was smiling in his house.

One morning he saw that some of his corn had been eaten.

"Who ate my corn?" he asked.

On the side of the land was a bush and in the bush he saw some monkeys.

"Ah," he said, "Monkeys ate my corn."

Then the farmer got an idea.

He took a tin.

He made a hole in the tin.

He placed the corn inside the tin.

He put the tin in the land.

The monkeys saw the corn in the land.

"Ah, corn" they said.

The monkeys saw the tin.

They saw the hole.

They walked around and around it.

One jumped on it.

He looked inside.

"Ah, corn" he said.

He put his hand and arm in and took the corn.

The corn does not want to come out.

The hole is too small.

The whole day the monkey held the corn and tried to get it out.

The farmer came with a net.

The farmer caught the monkey in the net.

Sin is the same.

Satan makes a tin with a hole for us and put inside our best desires.

We grab it and hold it and do not want to let it go.

Then one day comes the great net of Satan and he catches us with the net.

Jesus teaches us to run away from temptations and things that are not good for us. Once we sin, we do not know how to leave it and only Jesus will teach us to leave it and pull our hand out.


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