The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Mission in the series Lesson 2, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: Mission as disciple making and eternal gospel as God’s Facebook for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Mission.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God".

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 20-21.

The allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why don’t you click on this link right now:

---We are back at the principle of seeking His lost sheep.

---It was a nice way of Jesus saying, that His world role since Adam and Eve has not changed. He is still seeking His lost sheep.

---That His commission to His disciples to disciple making has not changed: Go into the whole world and teach them and baptize them. Matthew 24.

---That this commission was just a warm-up command of what was given basically to Adam and Eve after the Fall.

---Now that you are repented, seek the lost sheep.

---It was the same with Moses and the Tabernacle service in the wilderness.

---Now that you are brought out of labor depressing situations by a hyper colonializing empire Egypt, seek His lost sheep.

---Did God reveal and ran away?

---There were people who emphasized that God is other than us. He is not here. He is transcendental way up there.

---He is the undisturbed and we are the disturbed.

---Wrong. Jesus walked with Adam and Eve after sin. Walked with Henoch. Walked with Abraham under the tree at Mamre.

---He walked with the three friends of Daniel in the firing furnace in Daniel 3.

---He walked on earth after His incarnation.

---He was tempted on all points as we are, yet without sin.

---So He sat with sinners and they listened to Him.

---He ate with sinners their food. Selectively. Wine. No thankyou I do not drink. No alcohol? No thankyou. Smoke? No thankyou.

---But when He talked, they listened. Why? He came to seek the unrighteous not the righteous because the righteous are already saved.

---Did He became one with them by be as they are?

---They are full of sin. He took on sinful flesh fully as Romans 8:1-2 says but not for one moment was there any taint of sin in Him.

---But was it real? Bultmann wonders because he calls the Bible truths myths.

---Karl Barth is angry that they call the Bible myths except if it talks about Satan and his rebellion in heaven….that is a myth! Oops.

---J. A. T. Robinson ended with his thinking eventually at pantheism. He felt that without the world a God out there is impossible. Oops.

---“If you make a statement about God you are making a statement about your inner self”. He mixed Rudolph Bultmann and Paul Tillich with his depth psychology theology. Oops. Our theologian Raoul Dederen knew Paul Tillich and wrote an article about him.

---Herbert Braun want to see God as the origin of my uncertainty and my obligations to my fellow human beings. Oops. Origin of my uncertainty? He revealed quite a bit to us in the Bible. That is why there are so many examples good and bad. We can learn from them. The Bible is God’s Facebook.

---What is the problem with these people? They are agnostic to start off with and do not want to read the Bible with faith glasses on. Without faith glasses on you are like a welder without a face gear and without protective gloves. You are going to burn your fingers.

---Are people in your church reading the Bible without faith? Are they burning their fingers with cigarettes and their throats with alcohol? Are they building worms in their system from eating pork?

---Is it not time to start believing? Start giving yourself away. Put self aside. Let the Holy Spirit in and start His recreation of yourself. Are you on your knees already? When? Right now.