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Studying The Great Controversy in the series Lesson 1, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “The War in heaven and parallels for Sabbath School Lesson on the The Great Controversy by Ellen White described by Mark Finley.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on pages until pages 5-8.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

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---“And war broke out in heaven: Michael [Jesus] and his [loyal] angels

fought with the dragon [Lucifer]; and the dragon and his [rebellious] angels fought, but they [the rebellious angels] did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer [they exit heaven or near the abode of God]” (Revelation 12:7, 8, NKJV).

---Rebellion in heaven.

---There was a tablet found at Niniveh in the times of the Assyrian King Ashurbanipal in 650 BC, when third generation Jews who could speak Assyrian fluently, were residing there since the Exile in 723 BC. They were scribes in the Library and probably compiled this text combining Hebrew and Assyrian theologies?

---The tablet is called the Legend of the Worm. It was a tooth-incantation text that a dentist use when he pulls out the tooth of a person. He was supposed to say some words of this text and kill the worm.

---The whole text is really telling the story of the origin of sin and rebellion.

---It says that heaven made the earth and the earth made the mud and the mud made the worm.

---The main god in heaven said that fruit shall be the food of the worm.

---So everything had their place.

---Until...well until the worm complained, that he is not satisfied with his apples and would rather sit on the gums of humans and suck their blood.

---So the origin of cavities is explained.

---So Anu, the main god was so angry that he said that he will kill the worm for rebelling against him.

---There is a saying during the action of killing the worm that the dentist have to repeat after telling the patient the narrative of this rebellion against the Creator.

---This is a narrative that came from a Jewish scribes’ hand.

---It is a bit of Isaiah 14:12-14 laced over Assyrian theology.

---There is no correlate of this story ever in Assyrian earlier history during the Old Assyrian and Middle Assyrian periods. Nothing. So it is a new invention in Neo-Assyrian times.

---So why do humans suffer pain on their teeth? The worm. The rebellious worm.

---So why are there so much pain on earth? Lucifer who desired to climb up and put his throne above the stars on the Mountain of God in heaven.

---So he and his throne were thrown down on earth. Of course he is awaiting the final scene of his extermination.

---The biblical narrative from Genesis 3 and Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezechiel 28 and Revelation 12:7 and other passages of Scripture dealing with Satan are all fragments of the whole story or narrative of the historical event that took place before.

---A number of poets around 1660 wrote about the theme of the Rebellion in Heaven.

---Joost van Vondel wrote his Lucifer epic drama in Holland. It is almost a mirror of what Ellen White wrote in chapter 1 of Patriarchs and Prophets.

---But, it is not. Van Vondel differ at many places with Ellen White.

---In the same time as Vondel, Hugo Grotius also wrote an epic drama on the same topic. Again there are correspondences with Ellen White but again it is different. Ellen White is more biblical.

---John Milton touched on the same theme in his dramas. Again there is no comparison with Ellen White.

---Ellen White is almost a Targum on this event unfolding the biblical passages dealing with it in a fantastic narrative exposing the selfishness of the handsome of all angels, Lucifer, who then became Satan.

---Sources to go deeper than just this overview:

a. 01:26:22 (*.23.52.54)7250

b. So in 1976 professor Johann Japp taught this theme and it is online at at “Fall of Lucifer Gleanings”.

c. Dennis Priebe “God on Trial” video

d. 09:16:46 (*.111.51.252)1803

---Karl Barth refused to pay attention to this aspect of theology from the Bible. He denied the existence of Satan. Reason? He had a second wife and that prevented him from seeing the biblical text properly or prevent him from be honest with the text.

---Carl Jung, the psychologist, broke his intimate relationship with Siegmund Freud in 1913 and instead of going back to his roots where his father and mother brought him up, his father as a pastor, Jung ran to Occult studies and Buddhism.

---Can the psychology of Jung and Freud provide souls with problems renovation for their problems? Maybe. But not renovation from the guilt. You have to give your guilt away. To whom? No. To Whom. Christ. “Give Me all your troubles...and I will take care of them” Christ said.

---Is that what you do? When? This Sabbath at the nearest Adventist Church. Is your cellphone out to navigate you there before 9h30? When? Now.