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Studying Psalms series Lesson 13, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The opening song is Hymn 229 “Spirit of the Living God”.

The Topic today is: “Waiting, delay, versus times fixed, and how long cries for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Psalms.”

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 163-164.

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---Ps. 27:14, Rom. 8:18–25, Psalm 131, Matt. 18:3, Psalm 126, Psalm 92, Mark 16:1–8, 2 Pet. 1:19. Memory Text: “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14).

---Wait upon the Lord. Why? Because of Delay Theology.

---Delay? Not really but for human experience it is delay.

---Albert Scweitzer was a missionary and he wrote that Christ thought He would have the Second Coming in His time but was disappointed that it was not in His time.

---So Adventist Today creator, Raymond Cottrell in 1974 wrote an article in Spectrum journal saying the same. Paul, John, Peter, Jude, James and Luke were all people who thought that Jesus would come in their times, he said.

---Why did he do that? To follow the Preterists of the Reformed Churches, why? He is the first Adventist to become a member of the Evangelical Society.

---Let us get back to Psalms.

---God has a set program with definite dates. Some are revealed to us like the 2300 day-years, the 1260 day-years, the 490 day-years. All in Daniel and some in Revelation.

---The Second Coming God does not reveal. Why? He said that knowledge needs to improve. High tech digimodernism should first come.

---What? In the Bible? Yes in Daniel 12:3-4 he says that knowledge will increase before the End will come.

---Did it? Yes technological advances were made but people’s concentration ability slowed down more than in past millennia. Too many distractions.

---So what is the result? A goldfish focuses for 12 seconds on something but a human only 8.3 seconds. Hello!

---God wanted to show heaven, that even if technology advanced human nature stays the same. Sin is sin whether with Adam or with us.

---Smartphones are not going to reduce the amount of sin committed.

---So God delayed His Second Coming Event of Christ to be when our age reveals itself fully.

---Did it? With all the Wars going on, all the strive, all the

Hacking and stealing and misinformation one can only say: Yes.

---How long is this delay going to be, or how long in digimodernism are we going to go in before the End come?

---Until the gospel has gone to all the world. Period. Really? Correct.

---When is that? Well not all the world has internet and some countries are closing their borders for any possibility of that to be achieved. Like in the Middle Ages when Satan used the Catholic Church to keep the Word of God away from the ordinary citizens. Correct?

---God had everything planned perfectly. We just do not have information about long-distance prophecies as we were given. 1844 was about the last long-distance counting we had. In historicism prophetic interpretation that is.

---But were they correct? Absolutely.

---I have a old grammaphone from 1913 that I bought in Japan. It is 114 years old. You use a sling to wind it up and put the record on and it makes music. Compare that with the 2024 Smartphone music.

---One hundred years of technological improvement.

---So is the Day of God near? Absolutely. All prophecies should soon fall into place as predicted.

---Connected to waiting is delay and connected to delay is How long exclamations in the Bible. How long are we to wait?

---There are a number of How long texts in the Bible. Each were eager to know if there is going to be a delay. Are we going to have to wait.

---Psalms also express happiness in the Lord and contempt to wait for fulfillment.

---But, Ellen White predicted in line with the apostle Peter that there are going to be scorners who doubt the Second Coming of the Lord because it is taking longer than they have expected.

---So what is the solution? We need to put our whole faith in the Lord. Dedicate ourselves completely

---Only those who have reached perfection of character will be transported. When the doors close, no one can improve afterwards. Time over.

---Of couse God would have pleaded 100 or 1000 or 10000 times with such a person and the person shook the head against God. What a pity.

---Are you one of those…shaking your head against God?

---Get ready to go to the nearest Adventist Church in your local area. When? Right now check the navigation and Saturday morning 9h30 make sure you sit in your car  in the parking area for the door to open for the Sabbath School Lesson. Is your phone in your hand?