Studying Managing for the Master Till He comes in the series Lesson 2, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “Pay God first and He will pay all your bills for Morning Manna in Managing for the Master Till He comes.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Teacher’s Edition is on page 17.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?


---Christ is our Creator (John 1:1-4) our Sustainer (Hebrews 1:3) our Redeemer (Revelation 5:9) and also our Help to overcome temptation (Jude 24.

---The last part is not taught often by Christianity. Why? They fell trap to Augustine’s “oh, I am to unable to follow the Lord fully” syndrome.

---It became part of Luther mantra and that non-biblical ideas were passed on to the rest of Christianity.

---The modern change from normativism to relativism after World War II did not help it.

---What is relativism? There is no truth. Everything is not black and white. How you see it and I see it is different. The Bible cannot be our rule of faith. It is a disease, right? Right.

---Tithe payments as principle has a long history. The Sumerians had a special market at Drehem about 12km outside Nippur (the temple city) where all the tithes and offerings were to be brought. There are at least two tablets at Andrews University from this market and one can see the animals that were given as Tithe to their gods. One tablet dates to 2054 BC.

---How do you give tithe? By buying first all your stuff and then the balance bring to God? No. Bring your first-fruits. Give God first and then plan your debts.

---If we put God first, our barns will be filled with plenty (Proverbs 3:10).

---If you are long enough an Adventist tithe payer, you will have great stories to tell how God filled your containers and kitchen with fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, rice, bread, jams, money, all you can think of. Speak to Adventists about this and they will tell you.

---Tithe payments teach one to be responsible with money. One plans better. Are you paying tithe? Are you giving it to the General Conference? Divisions are supposed to do it. Is the NAD giving their tithes and offerings to the General Conference? Or are they angry about 2015 Woman Ordination cancelled?

---Unless the NAD rectify this problem in their current course, they will not experience the blessings of God. Chaos will arrive and it apparently already did as some are witnessing.

---Proper payments is what the Bible calls for. Are you?