Pulpit Prayers and the Holy Spirit as Pastor


Koot van Wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)

Visiting Professor

Kyungpook National University

Sangju Campus

South Korea

Conjoint Lecturer of Avondale College


23 April 2011


“When I go up the pulpit, I stand with God's revelation in my hand. I form words about God and speak to the audience. The Holy Spirit is at each seat speaking to each heart. Very organized I follow my structure and when I come to the last two sentences of the sermon, I have to stop, since I do no longer stand with God's Word in my hand for God has me in His hand and by now, the subject of God has become so big, that I am speechless, and happiness wants to make me cry, and the peace and joy I realize is so awesome that the last two sentences are said with shivering and sniffing and hoarse voice. The Holy Spirit is indeed our Pastor in our church.”


koot van wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)

23 April 2011



Pulpit Prayer 1


Dear God

draw near to us

touch us with Your Spirit

change us

transform us

reform us

activate us

speak forcefully through Your Word to us

In Jesus Name




Pulpit Prayer 2


Dear God

we live in dangerous times

and You ask us to be dangerously faithful.

Draw near to us

and transform us

change us

renew us

activate us

fill us with your Spirit

and speak forcefully to us through your Word

In this hour




Pulpit Prayer 3

(Reworked for the pulpit prayer from Alison Krauss "Where no one stands Alone").


Once we stood

in the night

with our heads

bowed low.

In the darkness

as black as

the sea.

And our hearts

were afraid

and we cried,

Oh Lord,

don't hide

your face

from us.


Hold our hands

all the way,

every hour,

every day

From here

to the great



our hands,


us stand

Where no one







Pulpit Prayer 4


Dear God

this moment is historical

for You to grip -

and pull us closer to You


to wash us anew

to cleanse us from stains

to fill our hearts with Your love

our thoughts with Your amazing deeds

from this, Your book

In this, Your holy hour
