I don't believe you have heard of this. Me neither - until tonight. 

In 1303, they attacked the pope in Italy in his bed and three days later he died. 

The next seven popes all lived in Avignon in France and ruled from there. 

The second of the seven, Pope John XXII, is someone Adventists should take note of. 

He did a lot of bad things, started wars, left and right. 

But when he was 87 on the 1st of November 1331, and had to get on the pulpit and preach, he read his Bible differently. 

What does a pope do if he suddenly has an Adventist message at a time when there were no Adventists? 

He then preached Adventism!

He tells the Catholics in the church, they are riding the horse facing the wrong side. "Our souls and bodies belong together and only then are we human." he said as he wiped the sweat from his face with a cloth. 

"A soul cannot fly to heaven if it comes out of Purgatory after flying there at death. It's nonsense. It is also nonsense to say that the soul must wait in the bosom of Abraham for the Resurrection so that the bodies can arrive and then the Judgment." 

Garbage "That's not what the Bible teaches," preaches the 87-year-old pope. 

"The truth is," says the pope, "that we are first judged before the resurrection and then only at the resurrection do the soul and body unite, because," he says and quickly takes a sip of water, "the soul sleeps. Then if the union takes place, then we can have the clear vision of seeing Jesus." 

The Catholics in the church's eyes stretch big. 

It makes so much sense, but they've never heard it. Their heads are spinning. 

The cardinals and bishops then began to spread the word that Pope John XXII was a heretic. 

If I tell you, they told Pope John XXII that it can't be true because William Miller hasn't come yet, then you say I'm fabricating. They didn't say that. 

Because they were dissatisfied with the heretic pope, Pope John XXII asks the next pope [they don't know yet] to come and sit in on his next sermons and tell Pope John XXII, what he thinks about the Adventist R&D truth now preached by him. No, he didn't say Adventist. Excuse me.

Well then, on the 5th of January 1332 the pope stood on the pulpit for the third time and the next pope, who would be Benedikt XII, listened attentively. 

Pope John XXII preaches: "It is nonsense to say that souls go to Purgatory after death and then fly to heaven to wait in Abraham's bosom for the Resurrection of the body and to then see God in Judgment. Garbage.”  

” Future Pope Benedikt XII's eyes widen. "Our pope is now a heretic and strange". What now to do?

After the sermon, Pope John XXII asked Benedict XII: "How was the sermon?" Benedikt says, "Your Honor, I am going to answer as in Acts 17 'You speak many things that are new to us'". He rushed home and wrote a book against the heretic pope. Three times in three sermons, Pope John XXII surprised the congregation with a similar sermon. Pope John XXII died on the 4th of December 1334. A day before he died, he apparently retracted all his words, say the modern Catholic historians. Well. Now you also know about the heretic pope's Adventist sermon in 1331 and 1332. Amazing how the Spirit works. Isn't it?



György Geréby, “A Supremely idle Question? Issues of the Beatific Vision Debate between 1331-1336” Przegląd Tomistyczny, t. XXIV (2018): 487-529. Downloaded from the internet on the 13th of May 2023 at https://www.pt.dominikanie.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/18_PT_n-24-2018_-_G_Gereby_-_A_supremely_idle_question.pdf