The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Three Cosmic Messages in the series Lesson 8, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: Sabbath and the Beast of the End Time for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Three Cosmic Messages.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God".

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 68.

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---“No wonder it will be the outward symbol of the final divide between those who worship the Lord and those who worship the beast (Rev. 14:11, 12).”

---Sabbath is the beast issue. That is what Finley say. It has to be, he says.

---Why did Ellen White select her material for Great Controversy in such a way as she did?

---She was writing historical theology. Historical theology goes through the Bible and from the Rebellion in Heaven describes the whole conflict of the ages through all centuries until beyond us when eternity is recreated. That is Ellen White.

---But recently a pastor who is now a retired Union President of France/Belgium, with the name of Jimmy, refuses to distribute Great Controversy of Ellen White because he feels she is too anti-Catholic.

---He suffers, in my opinion from the “Eirene-syndrome”. Eirene means “peace” and Jesus said that a signal of the End Time is when people are going to say “peace, peace”.

---Just after the Reformers died, and they died because they stopped to reform, and rejected later in their lives the truth of adult baptism, and more. Just after they died, some developed the Eirene-syndrome.

---Eirene-syndrome is the thinking that we should not be so bad to the Catholics to call them the Antichrist but make friends with them and soften our messages. We should not call them vicarius filii dei = 600+60+6!

---So just after the Reformers Luther, Calvin and Zwingli died, the Lutherans went back to Catholicism in 1548 with a meeting with the Catholics and adopted Catholic doctrines again. For the sake of peace = Eirene.

---Eirene-syndrome is an ingredient of ecumenism, for those who do not know.

---By the time the Calvinist Lawyer of Holland, Hugo Grotius became famous in Amsterdam in 1630-1650, he wanted all Calvinists to adopt an Eirene-syndrome approach to the Catholics.

---No more Antichrist calling. He said.

---Old Calvinists called him a “papist”.

---In England at Oxford professor Henry Hammond liked the Eirene-syndrome very much and sympathized with Hugo Grotius and defended him. Also in 1652.

---How? He took out the historicism and applications to the papacy in the Book of Revelation and interpreted everything preteristically, the time of the writing of the book or in the Old Testament! Are Adventists listening? Hello.

---Embracing the papacy with an Eirene-syndrome means to suppress the use of vicarius filii dei = 600+60+6 doctrine. Wow. What about Bacchiochi, Stefanovich, Paulien and Rodriquez? Not now.

---So retired union president Jimmy, the Frenchman, now advocates that Ellen White made mistakes to just see black and white, Catholics wrong and Protestants right.

---In his opinion it was a case of both.

---Well, Jimmy is citing Ellen White wrongly because if you read further she do say that the Protestants made mistakes to retain or return to Catholic doctrines.

---And she said that at the End Time there will be a call for the Eirene-syndrome and ecumenism! Hello Jimmy and his friends.

---Is your pastor or university or institution suffering from the Eirene-syndrome? It is time to take note of the seriousness of that and get away. Call an Adventist pastor immediately or an elder and announce that this Sabbath you are coming home to the issue that divides the beast from the non-beast, the Sabbath keeping church. Right?