Perfection defined before QOD (1957) and Perfection defined after


---Julius Nam studied QOD in his doctoral dissertation at Andrews University.

---I will not say more about QOD except what I know about it.

---Go to Lesson Archives at and download these two Sabbath School Guides. It is on the left Menu in the margin. Select the years 1955 and 1969.

---Below I will cite two statements, one from 1955 and the other from 1969.

---In between these two statements is the Question and Doctrine Saga or Tragedy.

---What is QOD tragedy?

---It is the process of Raymond Cottrell, Roy Anderson, LeRoy Froom and others to align standard Adventism to Evangelicalism as “evangelical” Adventism.

---Evangelicalism are not talking the same as Calvin and Luther on these matters. ---They call themselves Lutherans and Calvinists but water down sanctification and perfection and holiness.

---Luther and Calvin did not do the same. Doctoral studies indicate that they did focus properly on these matters and that Lutheran Orthodoxy and Calvinistic Orthodoxy were the problems.

---So the Accreditation history led to hiding the Adventist truths about attaining Perfection before the Second Coming.


---Therefore, the Sabbath School lesson book of 1955 said that you can and should attain perfection before the Second Coming.

---Then Questions on Doctrine was published in 1957.

---The Sabbath School book of 1969 says that perfection meant “mature” and not a point at the end of a line.


Witnessing the slipping evidence in defining “perfection” in 1969 from that of 1955.


The Sabbathschool Quarterly of 1955 was written probably by Herbert Douglas?

1955: 21 Perfection not mature but a stop in a line.


2.  Perfection.  Our English words perfect, perfection, etc., are used in the Bible as a translation of numerous words in the originals with variant meanings, such as "with understanding," "complete," "to be prepared," "integrity," "finished, whole." In the Greek we have the meanings of "accurately," "diligently," "fitted," "to fill or make full," "completed," "to make an end of," "to bring to a conclusion."


The Sabbathschool Quarterly of 1969 we do not know who wrote it but the citation is from Corinthians in the SDA Bible Commentary.

1969: 31 Perfection as mature and not a stop in the line


NOTE.—Obviously the word "perfect" here does not mean arrival at a final point beyond which there is nothing more perfect.

"Them that are perfect" is rendered "the mature" (RSV); "those who are spiritu- ally mature" (Phillips); "those who are ripe for it" (NEB).

"Perfect.  Gr.  teleioi, 'full grown,' ma- ture.' . . . Paul is here describing mature Christians. See Eph. 4:13, 14, where he contrasts a 'perfect' (teleios) man with `children.' Compare Phil. 3:15, where Paul speaks of himself and others as 'perfect' (teleioi). In Heb. 5:14 teleioi is rendered `of full age.' The Christian should grow in

knowledge of the truth and should not require continual feeding with spiritual `milk' (Heb. 5:12, 13)."—SDA Bible Commentary, on 1 Cor. 2:6.


Question to the reader:

Where will you find Ellen White Statements? In 1955’s definition of Perfection or in 1969?