The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Managing for the Master until He comes in the series Lesson 8 may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: "Management by God’s Objectives for Morning Manna in the Sabbath School Series Managing for the Master until He comes

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God"

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 64.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

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---This week the lesson is going to focus on the importance of human management of God’s objectives.

---“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ” (Colossians 3:23, 24, NKJV).

---Our Union President Alf Birch was a very able bright man. He went to Andrews University in the 1970’s and got his doctoral degree on the topic of “Management by Objectives”.

---He came back and taught us the course at Helderberg College in South Africa.

---His son Raymond Birch is still a pastor in South Africa. Use to sing on campus in a special group with Kevin van der Molen, Andre van Heerden and himself. Kevin died. Andre is pastor in the USA. Management by God’s help for His objectives and His rewards.

---What if you are ploughing in your talents for the Word of God but you are not connected to God?

---That is impossible. You say. No it is not. Satan make us to deceive ourselves and not realize that we are actually not following the Word of God!

---In 1872 Julius Wellhausen, the son of a pastor (PK = pastors kid) got a position at the faculty of a seminary Greifswald in Germany.

---He taught the Bible for ten years. During this time he realized that actually he is agnostic and atheistic and that he is supposed to prepare the seminary students for the pulpit in Protestant churches to be a good Shepherd.

---He himself does not know this Shepherd and even though knowledgeable about the text, he missed the Spirit as Editor and missed the Messiah in the text, he missed the Shepherd Who leads the flock in the Word of God.

---The Biblical text was for him the same as Homer’s Greek works. No difference. He felt one should be critical of Homer and of the Bible. No difference.

---He could not manage by God’s objectives to his student clients and became incompetent. He resigned and confessed what I told you now. His confession is on Wikipaedia.

---In 1882 he resigned. Immediately atheists flocked to him to sympathize with him and encourage him to keep up his atheism pushdrive. Keep worshipping Satan. We are with you. They said.

---The great Greek scholar Ulrich von Wilamowitz Moellendorff dedicated his Homeric work to Wellhausen two years later. Birds of a feather flock together.

---So Adventism does not encourage any link to Wellhausen. Other denominations in Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism consider Wellhausen as the only way to read the Bible.

---Can you have faith in the Bible after it came out of a paper-cutting machine? The world seminaries said yes. Adventists are saying no. Julius Wellhausen is that paper-cutter. They embrace him, they love him, they teach him, their pastors became skinny in the Word of God which is now the word of Wellhausen.

---That is why in their churches tithe is whether you like the pastor or not at the end of the sermon. In Adventism tithe is a biblical Word of God principle taken up before the sermon sometimes, almost most times. Even online payments. Why? Biblical that is the exact Word of God to be believed.

---Are you belonging to a church or denomination that taught Wellhausen cutting of the Bible? All Calvinistic seminaries in South Africa is doing that. Paper cutting the Word of God and think it is smart.

---Time to manage our lives by proper objectives. Is it not?