The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Mission in the series Lesson 13, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “Mission and the Book of Revelation ID the true church denomination for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Mission”.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 167.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

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---Missionaries are those who are called out ones by Christ.

---Called out of the world but then sent into the world to all nations to save others just as they were saved.

---Salvation is by choice in everyone’s heart and not a pick and choose in heaven regardless.

---The Book of Revelation is very necessary for Mission. It explains to us our Mission.

---Adventists find their origin in 1844 in Revelation 14:6-12. Why? Gospel and Commandment keeping.

---Why commandment keeping? Sabbath keeping. Why Sabbath keeping. Because it demonstrates the Creator. Why? Genesis 2 tells us that when He completed Creation on the sixth day, He rested on the seventh.

---On the turning point of sixth becoming seventh, He stopped work and rested. Why? As example. How do you know it is example? He said it in Exodus 20: keep the seventh day.

---But is it not just every self-chosen seventh day? No? He said it is “My day” not your or my day, not humans’ day. It is specific and already chosen.

---Did Jesus not rise on the seventh day? No. All Cathechisms of Christians read that it was the First day of the week. Sorry.

---So why do they keep Sunday as Lord’s Day? Because Constantine instituted the Sunday as a worship day.

---Catholics are very proud, says Bishop Newton in the Victorian period, that they created Sunday as a day of worship and all Protestants are following the Catholic institution. Hello.

---And everlasting gospel is also a trait of the true church. Where was Gospel in Adventism? 1888?

---No. Ellen White says that what was said in 1888 is not new. She has been saying it for 45 years.

---“I do not agree with Waggoner’ idea of Law in Galatians. I do not accept every Scriptural interpretation he has made.” Said Ellen White. Hello.

---But their attitude was “honest”, “pure”, timely, needed due to backsliders attending 1888.

---Gospel then. What gospel? The Lutheran “oops I am a sinner always until Jesus comes”? The Armenian/Wesleyan one that we need perfection?

---No. The Ellen White one. No immediate perfection as John Calvin also taught. By the Way both Armenius and Wesley were Calvinists.

---The Ellen White one is that we do not get immediately perfection (see Daniel Duffy’s article from Loma Linda online in 1978 on Wesley and Ellen White) but one of growth in stages of perfection unto perfection of the soul at the Door of Mercy in order to stand when there is no Atonement in the Heavenly Sanctuary when Christ finished his work. Where did you read that? Revelation where Christ finished His sanctuary ministry.

---He finished His ministry, then seven last plagues and only then the Second Coming. Correct? That is what Revelation said.

---But Jones. Who? 1888 Jones speaker who was just 33 years old. He spoke very well in 1888 and Ellen White liked his enthusiasm.

---But in 1893 at the General Conference, I think it was at Battle Creek? He said that what he meant in 1888 was really that people do not need to manufacture perfection or righteousness for Christ gives everything. Not the same as Denis Priebe said but the same as H. Hyme? said in that book review article in the 1980’s by A. Wallenkampf, also online.

---Ellen White was not at this conference where Jones tried in a speech to cancel’s Ellen White’s main idea of perfection of the soul before the Last Plaques fall. It is cited in Olsen’s book of 1966.

---I can now see why Jones became greedy in 1901 when manipulator J. Kellogg wanted to replace A. G. Daniels with Jones. And the delegates refused.

---Also in 1903 they refused to replace A. G. Daniels. (See last Appendix C in Olsen’s book of a letter of A. G. Daniels explaining this politics!)

---Then greedy Jones accused Daniels at the 1895 General Conference for using the word “president” on his letter-heads. Hello.

---So the Book of Revelation asks us many times throughout the Book to be overcomers. To each period of church is said that blessed are they that overcome.

---Overcome what? Sins. Ellen White is not an oops-theologian like Luther. She is very clear that victory is possible 100% with the help provided in cooperation by the Holy Spirit.

---So what about your church? Do they preach Revelation? Or do they skip prophecies to just elaborate on Business Management or Psychology or Sociology? Is it just program preaching?

---Why do you think the Editor of the Word of God spent millennia to compose our Book of Life directions for us? To stand on a shelve gathering dust? Hello.

---Contact your nearest pastor to learn more about the Book of Revelation as present truth for these times. When? Now.