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Studying Psalms in the series Lesson 2, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “Psalms 22, 13 and 60 with some notes.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on pages 20-21.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---Psalm 22. What can we learn from this psalm about trust in God amid great suffering?

---Let us get the maths correct. The Holy Spirit is Editor of the whole Bible. He gives prophet David some insights about Jesus on the cross that is then packed into the Psalm and that is taken out of the Psalm by Christ, since it belongs to Him in the first place. Correct?

---So this week I helped translating Andrew Kang, the great preacher of Korea’s sermon in English.

---Andrew Kang, for those who do not know, runs the greatest online church in Adventism in South Korea.

---He is a professional engineer who gave his heart to God and started a preaching ministry.

---Well organized and fresh ideas, he started online and offline, software and hardware. Magazines and small MP3 machines.

---His audience is thousands. Recently a pop-singer from Australia came to Sahmyook University to be baptized by his church here. With his family.

---Without Andrew knowing it, people from Methodist, Presbyterian and other churches walk into Adventist churches and ask if this is also the Andrew Kang church?

---What is happening here? The same spirit that awoken the people in the 18th century through the Great Preachers George Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley, also are using Andrew Kang.

---What make George Whitfield great is his deep voice and oratory skills. What makes Jonathan Edwards great is his art to discuss or dispute. What makes John Wesley great, is his passion for a holy life. What makes Andrew Kang great is his content of his sermon.

---So he was citing from Psalm 22 in this sermon that will soon appear on Youtube in both Korean and English.

---He looked at the last 3 hours of Christ on the cross. Darkness clouded the cross. The Father hid Himself in this darkness and secondly, He did not want the angels to see Christ die.

---The Love of God is sensitive and careful. He does what is best in the person’s future and interest.

---Christ could not see the Father. He hid Himself because of sin which the Father cannot associate Himself with.

---The second death that all must die because of the invection of the sin-virus, was delivered to Jesus.

---Then Andrew said something special: “Jesus did not just come down one day by accident and said, what is going on here I will die for the people”.

---This was an agreement between the Trinity. The Son willingly gave Himself to the Father and the Father gave the Son for the salvation of everyone. In principle.

---The Andrew Kang said there was a banquet and all invited to come but no-one wanted to come.

---No one wanted to say to Jesus, thankyou for dying in my place.

---He said that if a faith does not understand what happened the last three hours on the cross, it is a fake faith.

---If one sees the essence of the cross these last hours, one cannot be the same any longer. You cannot continue sinning any more. Your attitudes change, your lifestyle change. You are a different person.

---Charles Spurgeon also preached on the last three hours on the cross on the 27th of September 1866, but his sermon does not come near to the passionate content of Andrew Kang.

Source for Charles Spurgeon:

---Spurgeon has nice summary frames he is using postulating what he can touch with the text in contemporary topics. First, Second, Third etc. But Andrew Kang’s sermon is unfolding in a passionate drama pulling the audience in.

---In Andrew Kang’s sermon you only escape if you fall asleep. Otherwise not. God speaks direct and simple and clear.

---That is Psalm 22 in Tuesday.

---Psalm 13 on Wednesday there can be a few notes as well. 

---“Until the enclosing [of his tomb], I will take counsel in my soul” (13:3).

---“Having sorrow in my heart daily” (13:13b).

---He wants the Lord to look at him and answer him (13:4a).

---He wants the Lord to lighten his eyes lest he sleep the sleep of death (13:4b).

---The Bible view death as a sleep.

---In the Talmud it was stated that “sleep is a sixtieth part of death” and “the in- complete experience of death is sleep”.

---In Psalm 60 it says you made us staggering. Does God predestinate some to saved and others to be lost? No. Verse 6 reads that they chose the Lord. Choice is more important for God than Predestination.

---So are you going to the nearest Adventist Church tomorrow around 9h30 to sit in the Sabbath Schoool Lesson on Psalms? Is your cellphone out for navigation? Your clock on to wake you up for a shower and shaving?