Devotional Short Note on Psalm 93: For those who start reading late, it was said by Rabbi Rashi of the Middle Ages that this Psalm was also written by Moses. In fact he said that Psalms 90-100 belong to Moses. I cannot remember whether I saw the negative bl used in Amarna Akkadian but it was definitely in Ugaritic from Rash Shamra. Ugaritic thrived after the Israelites entered Canaan in 1410 BCE but our present text are dating from the early part of the 13th century to the middle of the 12th century BCE. The city was cosmopolitan but the negative bl was used in that language. One Ugaritic text comes from Akko and from Beth-Shemesh comes an Ugaritic alphabet. It was published by W. F. A. Albright in the 1930’s. This negative bl is used by this writer in Psalm 93:1c. The theme of the Psalm is the throne of God. A very interesting word is used about the enthronement of God. The word equilibrium and homeostase or tranquility are all embedded in nakon, takon and in Daniel 8:11 makon. The secret in this Hebrew word is the word kon or kwn as it is written with three capital letters. Some people translated makon as “niche”. Lucifer wanted to destroy the makon of God (Daniel 8:11). He wanted to “rock the boat” so that all system resulted in anarchy so that through anarchy he can set up his own system of order first very militaristic and dictator-like but then to soften his tone later, if at all. The prophets also indicated that this word nakon was to be restored by Christ through His incarnation and death and ministry in heaven. “From everlasting are You”. Some extra few notes on Daniel 8:11. Not many scholars have noticed the gender in these verses that it changes. The Little Horn is feminine and all verbs related to the Little Horn will have in Hebrew a feminine form. One can see that explicitly. So it is feminine in verses 9 (f); 10 (f); 12 (f) but in verse 11 where the makon of His sanctuary was thrown down, that individual who did it is masculine! The verbal form is masculine. Why? The Anchor Bible commentator said that a copyist lapsed and by error (and in his view rightly) identified Epiphanes (masculine) in this verse. Wrong. It is rather that Daniel on purpose wanted to show that the heart of the Little Horn function is actually Satan of Isaiah 14 and Ezechiel 28 where the masculine is used and in fact the same verbal forms exactly as in Daniel 8:11 for throwing down, is used but in reverse: In Daniel 8:11 Satan threw down the makon (place/niche) of His sanctuary but in Isaiah 14:19a it is Lucifer that is thrown down and punished by God. Exactly the same verbal form, also masculine. Lucifer’s problem in Isaiah 14:13d is that he wanted to lift-up his throne in God’s space. That is the makon that he threatened to destroy with his desires. That is why this Psalm is also talking of the nakon of His throne, that His throne is stable, secure, foundational, in equilibrium and harmony.    

The Flood of Noah came in 2692 BCE and the lifted up (93:3a). There are voices or sounds and roaring. Yet, above all this is God “the Lord on high is mighty” (93:4c). Also in 92:9 is the same idea.

The testimonies of the Lord are very sure and Holiness comes unto the House of the Lord unto the stretch of eternity (93:5c). In Psalm 119:111 it is stated that “Your testimonies I inherited unto eternity for they are a rejoicing of my heart”. In this Psalm it is possible that this whole section between 119:105-112 is Messianic referring to the actions of Christ. In 119:109 Christ said about Himself: “My soul is continually [tamîd] in My hand and Your law I will not forget” (the word tamîd is used and it is impossible for humans, it must be divine. Our souls are not continually in our hands, we die 70 or if we are strong 80, and super strong 100 and more). On Sabbath one our our sisters came to church who is 102 years old. She laughed when she gave her envelope to be read for Sabbath School to be thanked for the offering. Our dear sister sings loud the songs from the screen and when the piano dies down, she does not. She also laughs at those who are 70 and 80 moaning and groaning while walking. Added one has to mention that she has to climb the stairs to the second floor of the building for church.