주 예수 내가 알기 전
I’ve Found a Friend, O Such a Friend

1. I’ve found a Friend, oh, such a Friend!
He loved me ere I knew Him;
He drew me with the cords of love,
And thus He bound me to Him.
And round my heart still closely twine
Those ties which naught can sever,
For I am His, and He is mine,
Forever and forever.

ere: before, 전에
draw: 끌다, 이끌다
cord: 끈
bind: 매다
round: 주위에
twine: 감다
tie: 끈, 줄, 인연
naught: 제로, 영(零), 무(無), 존재치 않음
sever: 절단하다, 끊다

2. I’ve found a Friend, oh, such a Friend!
He bled, He died to save me;
And not alone the gift of life,
But His own self He gave me.
Naught that I have my own I call,
I hold it for the Giver;
My heart, my strength, my life, my all,
Are His, and His forever.

bleed bled bled: 피를 흘리다
self: 자신
strength: 힘

3. I’ve found a Friend, oh, such a friend!
All power to Him is given,
To guard me on my upward course,
And bring me safe to heaven.
Th’ eternal glories gleam afar,
To nerve my faint endeavor;
So now to watch, to work, to war,
And then to rest forever.

guard: 보호하다, 지키다
upward: 위로 향한
course: 진로, 진행, 행로
bring: 데려가다
heaven: 하늘
gleam: 어렴풋한 빛, 빛나다, 어렴풋이 나타나다
afar: 멀리
nerve: …에게 용기를〔기운을〕 북돋우다
faint: 희미한, 약한
endeavor: 노력
watch: 지켜보다, 경계하다
war: 싸우다
rest: 쉬다

4. I’ve found a Friend, oh, such a Friend!
So kind, and true, and tender,
So wise a Counsellor and Guide,
So mighty a Defender!
From Him who loves me now so well,
What power my soul can sever?
Shall life or death, or earth or hell?
No? I am His forever.

tender: 부드러운
counsellor: 상담자, 의논 상대
guide: 안내자
mighty: 강대한
defender: 방어자, 옹호자
power: 힘
sever: 끊다, 가르다

Text: James Grindlay Small, 1863 (1817-1888)
Music: George Coles Stebbins, 1878 (1846-1945)

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