Denis Lamoureux, Evolution: Scripture and Nature Say Yes! is a book by someone who earned two doctorates, one in Theology and one in Biology. It is basically a Trojan Horse arrival of Satan in the church.

What this means is that Satan clothed someone who expounds agnostic and nihilistic views to talk very religiously and spiritually to sound devoted in order to lead people to the deception.

What Lamoureux needs is a doctoral in Semitic and Comparative Languages and a doctoral degree in Archaeology, then it would be easier for him to see his own epistemological slip he made with this book. Really, he needs to get over the problem of Hebrew Dictionaries that are using the language of the Koran to explain what Moses thought in 1460 BC when he wrote Genesis in Midian in the desert hiding from Thutmosis III due to the manslaughter of an Egyptian overseer. For that you need some study in Middle Egyptian, Akkadian and other languages.

Nature and Science supports Creation and there is nothing in Scripture that allows one to support Evolution. Who said that there is nothing in the Bible to support evolution?

Hold your seat. Not a Evolution Scientist. It was an Atheist William Hamilton who belittled the Theological-Evolution of his day for their attempt to accommodate Evolution into the Theology of the Bible!

Now you know.

With this fact, the whole book is not worth any further reading. Sorry.

“"The so-called theistic evolutionists refuse to admit that they are atheists, contending that they believe in a God back of creation; they argue that evolution is God's method, but they put God so far away as to practically destroy a sense of God's presence in the daily life and a sense of responsibility to Him. At least, that is the tendency, and since the so-called theistic evolutionists borrow all their facts from atheistic evolutionists and differ from them only in the origin of life, theistic evolution may be described as an aesthetic administered to young Christians to deaden the pain while their religion is being removed by the materialists.”William Jennings Bryan on the Subject of Evolution from his pamphlet, "The Menace of Evolution" (