Clapping hands is performance in a Theater. Saying Amen is worship in a church


---Should we clap hands in church?

---Latino congregations in South America says no.

---And I think they are right.


---Because there are only a handful verses in the Bible about clapping hands:  Job 27:23; Psalm 47:1; Psalm 98:8; Isaiah 55:12; Lamentations 2:15; Nahum 3:19.

---Two verses dealt with clapped of hands and they are 2 Kings 11:12 and Ezechiel 25:6.

---One further verse dealt with clapping of hands and that is Job 34:37. There are no New Testament examples for clapping hands.


---Why is the Bible quiet about clapping hands?

---Because clapping hands is not to congratulate the winners but to mock the defeat!

---What does that mean?

---Because the wicked are destroyed the surprise action of this is the clapping of hands.

---Years ago I went on Pan-Am from London to JFK in the USA. It was just after the bombing of Pan-Am over Scotland.

---No one was in the plane except me and maybe 20 Latin Americans.

---I could sit or sleep anywhere. I did. Over three seats.

---I could eat as much as I want.

---But then when the plane touch down on JFK and we were on earth again, all the Latinos clapped hands.

---Death was defeated and they clapped hands for safety and defeat of death.

---Do you get the picture?

---Here is the rule: clapping hands is performance in a theater. Saying Amen is worship in a church.

---Got it?