Studying Managing for the Master Till He comes in the series Lesson 1, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “God owns everything for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson in Managing for the Master Till He comes.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Teacher’s Edition is on page 8.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

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---Today the focus of the Lesson is on Ownership, the vertical truth.

---People hardly ever look at the stars.

---Agnostics when they look at the stars wish to go to Mars and build a house there and live there. Escaping evil? Futile imaginations and spending of money uselessly.

---Why? There is nothing on the Moon and nothing on Mars. Why?

---Why the earth is so wonderful in Nano knowledge and in greatness of variety of Fauna and Flora and beauty of Mountains and water settings. Why?

---Charles Darwin did not go to Mars or the Moon or he would have rewritten his Origin of the Species. Right? Of Course.

---There is nothing on Mars or the Moon because evolution never happened the way Darwin thought. But, agnostics and atheists and their governments insists that this is the education that is passed on to the next generations.

---The myth of seeing half developed humans on Mars. That are half as evil as earth’s humans!

---Imagination. The horizontal way.

---It is time to look vertical the right way.

---Maslow’s five laws are all horizontal development but he left out the sixth one: vertical desires. Desires to interact with God.

---It is this sixth one that Karl Marx and especially Friedrich Engels wanted to destroy and cut out of society. And, mind you, even in secular democratic societies succeeded in doing so.

---Whether you are rich in democratic capital freedom countries or in Marxistic-Engels controlled dictators-ship countries, all share the common notion to “cut God out of the picture”.

---Ownership is just horizontal. No vertical Ownership.

---The Bible is cut out of their lives because it says that all things belongs to God.

---Even countries that are in dictatorships are clinging to money and possessions for their own military dreams.

---They have to develop military otherwise the lower people will take their power away and they will suffer. Survival of the forced strongest principle.

---But all this is horizontal. Vertical is God the owner. Everyone’s heart and mind is the hands of God. Even agnostics. And they do not realize it.

---When cancer strikes they are in agony. The Holy Spirit stands by to accept their souls but they refuse like Nietzsche did when he was asked the last moment to accept Christ. He is the God is dead thinker of the late Victorian period.

---Ownership recognition is preventing one to be a Laodicean sleeper as the seventh prophetic period church, our day.

---Are you snoring? Time to wake up. Everything is God’s. Satan stole it. Are you?