Zero-Evolution proved by Fossils

by koot van wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)

Kyungpook National University

Sangju Campus

South Korea

Conjoint lecturer Avondale College


21 May 2009

Scholars just announced that they have found a fossil of a monkey that in their understanding dates to 45 million years ago. How the monkey could tell them he is 45 and not 85 million years old, is not clear, but this monkey brought them to the astounding conclusion that she is the mother of all monkeys. If Darwin is taken to his extreme this year of 2009, the mother of all humans!

50 cm skelet.

Long tail like modern apes.

It was found in the north east of Darmstadt.

The University of Oslo bought it.

Jens Franzen und Jörg Habersetzer did research on it.

Hurum, the caretaker of the fossil presented the find to the New York American Museum of Natural History on the 19th of May 2009 at 16h30.

Normally scientists keep quiet about the find until a number of scholars have worked on it to check each others conclusions. This find went a different way and the owner presented it to the public.

It is called Darwinius masillae.

The photos online on Der Spiegel of 21 May 2009, indicate that there is no difference with some monkeys still living today. Our question is: if evolution is a fact, how come some monkeys did not change at all. Why zero-evolution?

The answer is simple: because there is zero-evolution.

This monkey died during the flood of Noah in 2523 BCE according to the consonantal text of the Masoretic Hebrew tradition.

It is about time to give faith a stronger chance than mind games.


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