The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying In the Crucible with Christ in the series Lesson 4, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart. 

The Topic today is: "Seeing the Goldsmith's Face or Image in the Perfection of our Characters"

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God"

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 46 and for the laymen edition or Standard Edition, on page 32.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

---In 1810 a woman with the name of Elizabeth Smith translated the book of Job. It is online at archive. It is a good translation but also have errors. Why? All translations of Job have errors, whether English, Dutch, German, Spanish, French, Korean, you name it. All have problems.Why?

---Well the ancient version have problems with Job. Whether Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, Ethiopic, Arabic, Gothic. All have problems. Why?

---Because Moses wrote Job. But what is the problem?

---The problem is that when scholars started to investigate Job, they only used Hebrew, Aramaic, Akkadian, Canaanite languages to solve the meaning of rare words. Rare words in Job?

---Yes, Moses was a poliglot. He could read Sumerian, Akkadian, Hebrew, and Middle Egyptian. That is where the problem is. The rare words were not investigated as Hebrew-Egyptian words.

---So when scholars come to a hapax legomenon which is a word only used once in the Bible and in Job, they could not use comparative methods to see what it means, so they thought the Arabs were nomads and they were the least affected of all nations so Arabic of Mohammed and later is a good source of finding the meaning.

---Result of using Arabic to translate Job? Job is "angry"with God. God "hate" Job. Rare words creating a counter-biblical theology!

---I once read an article written on the topic by Gesenius, the Hebrew Grammar writer, who spoke on Lexicography in the Old Testament Problems and he said that the major problem is using Arabic to explain rare words in the Hebrew Bible.

---So next time you use a Hebrew-English Dictionary by BDB = Brown, Driver and Briggs, be careful when they say after a rare word the meaning in English and allocate the form to the Arabic meaning.

---Moses, who wrote Job did not speak Arabic of the 7th century Byzantine times.

---For those Adventists who seek deeper, I have placed my Devotional commentary on the Book of Job online at and search google koot van wyk Devotional commentary on Job and download the pdf free of use. I used Middle Egpytian for the rare words because Moses spoke Middle Egyptian.

---Now back to the lesson talking about Job who is confident in God.

---Yesterday Sunday part of the lesson, Ellen White was quoted to say that God wants us to have perfecton of character DA 671.

---LaRondelle in his book Perfection, and George Knight in his book A Pharisees Guide to Perfection cited Reformed Theologians like G. Berkhouwer and the two Ridderbosse (Father and Son) to talk very similar to Ellen White but....where Ellen White and the Bible, Jesus, Paul, John, James, Peter, Luke spoke about "overcome of sins" Reformed Theologians says it is impossible to be sinless. Ellen White says statement after statement that you have to overcome all the defects in your inherited and aquired state. Not so with LaRondelle and Knight who says you cannot but only at the Second Coming of Christ.

---Denis Priebe says there are four kinds of Perfections: Absolute Perfection that only God has. Character Perfection that all of us must have. Physical Perfection that we will get at the Second Coming.

There is one more, I cannot remember.

---I want to add another Perfection, Scar Perfection. A scar is a healed wound. Sin is a wound but it must be healed by grace and overcoming living. The scar remains. What Christians experience in their conscience always, is to be sensitive about the scar in the lives. Thus Satan takes them time and again back to the scars and say: "See what you did?"

---Ellen White says that we should not allow Satan in our feelings to take us back to our scars and try to discourage us to add to these scars. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.

---Put on the clothes of the Lord Jesus Christ Paul says in Romans 13:14 and that will be your armor to fight Satan. Pray and say Romans 13:14 first part and instantaneously you will receive power to overcome.

---All preach overcome sermons, Reformed Theologians, LaRondelle, Knight, Ellen White, Paul. But where Ellen White and Paul/John in Revelation says it is possible to overcome all sins, Reformed Theologians refuse because they says Original Sin remains in us until the Second Coming, and LaRondelle and Knight echo the same thoughts in their works.

---Did you see how George Knight is turning Ellen White upside down on page 73ff. of his work?

Ellen White: Justification is the event of a moment. Sanctification is the work of a lifetime.

George Knight (73ff) Justification is the work of lifetime. Sanctification is the event of moment. Why? Reformed Theology and that is the difference between True Adventism and Reformed Theology.

---John 8 Jesus said to the forgiven adultery woman: "Go and sin no more". How complete is "no" in "no more". 60%? 70? 80? 99%? 100%?

---LaRondelle and George Knight and Reformed Theologians says 99%. Ellen White, Jesus, Paul, John, Luke, James, Peter says 100%.

---Pastors are preaching from the pulpits "mixed messages" without knowing that it is really a sandwich with a "ham" that they are giving the people to eat.

---Reformed theologians preach from their pulpits an “Oops! I can’t Theology”. Adventists who are reading LaRondelle and Knight is doing the same as these Reformed theologians, so next time one of your pastors preaching an “Oops! Sermon” go afterwards to him and tell him about John 8 where Jesus explicitly said: “God and sin no more”. Tell him Paul said the same in Romans and other of his books, John said the same in Revelation. Peter said the same. Ellen White constantly is saying this. 100% sinlessness of actions but not of scars of healed wounds that will remind your conscience until Jesus comes.