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Guide 영어성경읽기 EBR     44/2016

Genesis 19:11-15


농담으로 여겼더라

They took it as a joke


11 And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door.


smite: __________________

blindness: ____________

weary: ___________________


Question: What happened to the people of Sodom?

1) They became blind

2) They could not continue with their evil plan

3) They were strong to push the door and came in


12 And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place:

13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it.


son in law: _______________

destroy: ____________

cry: ________________

wax great: _________________


Question: What are they going to do to Sadom?

1) They want to persuade the people

2) They want to destroy them

3) They decided to preserve all the people

4) They try to save some people who belong to Lot


14 And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law.


marry: ___________

get out: _______________

destroy: ___________

seem: _____________

mock: _____________


Question: Who did Lot talk about this to?

1) sons-in-law

2) daughters-in-law

3) friends

Question: How did they react?

1) They took it seriously

2) They took it as a joke and did not believe

3) They were very surprised and began to prepare for running away

seriously: _____________

joke: ___________

believe: ______________

surprise: _____________

prepare: ________________

run away: _________________

Question: What do you think was the reason they reacted this way?

1) Because it sounded sheer nonsense to them

2) Because they were also immoral people, being part of Sodom

3) Becuase they were not interested in spiritual matters


15 And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here; lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city.


arise: __________

hasten: ___________

lest: ___________

consume: ____________

iniquity: _________________

Question: So what did the angel do to Lot? __________________________


창세기 19-11-15


11 문 밖의 무리를 대소를 막론하고 그 눈을 어둡게 하니 그들이 문을 찾느라고 헤매었더라


질문: 소돔 사람들에게 무슨 일이 생겼습니까?

1)눈이 어두워져 보지 못하게 되었다

2) 그들의 악한 계획을 계속하지 못하게 되었다

3) 그들이 매우 강했으므로 문을 밀치고 들어왔다


12 그 사람들이 롯에게 이르되 이 외에 네게 속한 자가 또 있느냐 네 사위나 자녀나 성 중에 네게 속한 자들을 다 성 밖으로 이끌어 내라

13 그들에 대한 부르짖음이 여호와 앞에 크므로 여호와께서 이 곳을 멸하시려고 우리를 보내셨나니 우리가 멸하리라


질문: 그들이 소돔에 어떤 일을 하려고 합니까?

1) 사람들을 설득하려고 한다

2) 그들을 멸망시킬 것이었다

3) 그 사람들을 보존하기로 결정하였다

4) 롯에게 속한 몇몇 사람을 구하려고 시도하고 있다


14 롯이 나가서 그 딸들과 결혼할 사위들에게 말하여 이르기를 여호와께서 이 성을 멸하실 터이니 너희는 일어나 이 곳에서 떠나라 하되 그의 사위들은 농담으로 여겼더라


질문: 롯이 누구에게 이 사실을 이야기하였습니까?

1) 사위들

2) 며느리들

3) 친구들

질문: 그들은 어떻게 반응했습니까?

1) 심각하게 받아들였다

2) 농답으로 여기고 믿지 않았다

3) 매우 놀라서 도망하려고 준비하기 시작했다


15 동틀 때에 천사가 롯을 재촉하여 이르되 일어나 여기 있는 네 아내와 두 딸을 이끌어 내라 이 성의 죄악 중에 함께 멸망할까 하노라


질문: 그래서 천사들이 롯을 어떻게 하였나요? _________________________________