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GUIDE English Bible Reading 13/2016

Genesis 7:6-11 King James Version (KJV)



6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.


flood ____________

Question: Did the flood actually come?

a. no b. yes

c. I do not know

actually ______________


7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.


ark ________________

flood ______________

Question: What would have happened if Noah and his family didn't enter the ark?

a. They must be dead as well.

b. Since God loved them, God would have saved them anyway. c. They could escape because they followed God.

d. I do not know

happen _____________

enter _____________

save ____________

escape ____________

follow ______________


8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,

9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.


clean __________

beast _____________

fowl _____________

creep ________________

male _________________

female _________________

command _________

it came to pass _______________

Question: Do you think every kind of animals came into the ark?

a. Yes b. No

c. I do not know

Question: How would you feel during those 7 days?


11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.


fountain ___________

deep _________

break up ________

window ________________

Question: Was it only rain from the sky?

a. Yes

b. No, the springs also opened.

Question: How would you feel if you experienced the flood?

a. Solemn

b. majesty of God

c. grateful that you were saved

d. You will feel good because only your family was saved.

solemn _____________

majesty ____________

grateful ___________

save ________________

창세기 7:6-11



6 홍수가 땅에 있을 때에 노아가 육백 세라


질문: 실제로 홍수가 있었나요?

a. 아니요 b.

c. 모르겠네요


7 노아는 아들들과 아내와 며느리들과 함께 홍수를 피하여 방주에 들어갔고


질문: 만일 노아와 그의 가정이 방주에 들어가지 않았다면 어떤 일이 생겼을까요?

a. 그들도 역시 멸망했을 것임

b. 하나님께서 그들을 사랑하셨으므로 어쨌든 그들을 구원하셨을 것임

c. 그들이 하나님의 말씀을 따랐으므로 멸망을 피할 수 있었음

d. 모르겠네요


8 정결한 짐승과 부정한 짐승과 새와 땅에 기는 모든 것은

9 하나님이 노아에게 명하신 대로 암수 둘씩 노아에게 나아와 방주로 들어갔으며

10 칠 일 후에 홍수가 땅에 덮이니


질문: 모든 종류의 동물들이 다 방주에 들어왔다고 생각하나요?

a. b. 아니요

c. 모르겠네요

질문: 7일 동안 그대는 어떤 느낌을 가졌을까요?


11 노아가 육백 세 되던 해 둘째 달 곧 그 달 열이렛날이라 그 날에 큰 깊음의 샘들이 터지며 하늘의 창문들이 열려


질문: 하늘에서 내린 비 뿐이었나요?


b. 아니요, 샘들도 터졌습니다.

질문: 그 홍수를 경험했다면 그대는 어떻게 느꼈겠습니까?

a. 엄숙함

b. 하나님의 위대하심

c. 구원 얻은 것에 대한 감사

d. 오직 우리 가족만 구원받은 것에 대해 기분이 좋았을 것임