American upcoming presidency bid ingredients for prophecy fulfillment in Daniel 11:44 (maybe)

Koot van Wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD) Visiting Professor, Department of Liberal Education, Kyungpook National University, Sangju Campus, Conjoint lecturer of Avondale College, Australia

Isaiah is very clear that all empires came and went since the Almighty permitted or did not permit them to be any longer in the saddle. There is no doubt about that. Then there is that long prophetic description of Daniel 11 that is probably one of the most unique prophecies of the Bible. Daniel described the future generation by generation almost until the Second Coming of Christ and the Resurrection. The Coming of Christ will take place in a Time of Trouble like there never was. That is Daniel 12:1-2. But, before that time, the events of Daniel 11 have to come to pass and other events described in the Revelation Rubicon given to faithful people to play with, realizing that God is in control and He puts kings or emperors or presidents, even Trump, up or not.

That said, one need to ask as a faithful person, how purely political events can be meant by Daniel in chapter 11? Mostly political. Even the papacy role described in Daniel 11:34-35 are in political terms mostly since Catholicism is a political-religious entity. As we speak, the pope is in Iran. Why? The deal is through. But as we speak, Putin (north of Sushan where Daniel was) and the Khomenei (east of Shushan where Daniel was) said that they would resist if Trump becomes president.

Trump has the most votes with over 36% popularity in his court. Let me make something clear: it does not matter for me who will be president. The choice is directed from above whether with my approval or with my disapproval. The reason it happens has to do with prophetic charts and plans and prophetic corridors of time or periods allocated for specific purposes of the Trinity that they know well why.

So, Trump may well be the hopeful of many in the USA but a psychologist Ben Michaelis on the Glen Beck TV show apparently said to him 22nd of January 2016 that Trump’s personality compares very well with that of Hitler and Mussolini. He said that the success of Hitler and Mussolini was due to scooping-up votes and support among the economic marginalized of society. It was economic trying times. There was no job, no money. Watching the Hitler videos on Youtube convince one soon that many young and old Germans were giggling and laughing when Hitler was speaking and found his bizarre and erratic behaviors very entertaining.

B. Michaelis goes further to say that Trump suffers from a similar mental disorder as them, namely, NPD or “narcistic personality disorder.” What is NPD or narcistic personality disorder’s symptoms?

“What I can say is that he is following the playbook from those past campaigns,” Michaelis responded. “There are so many parallels, which are quite disturbing.” Michaelis continued to say: “All of the evidence — again, observing him — is of someone who has an inflated, possibly delusional, sense of self esteem, … very little remorse and empathy for others,” He continued to say “And a streak that is very common to narcissists when they are questioned or attacked in any way is that they attack with complete, single-minded vitriol, and Mr. Trump exhibits all of these things.”

From a religious point of view, what about morality? Ben Michaelis was asked about that:

“I don’t think this man really has any true moral compass,” he said. “He believes he is his own moral compass.”
“You give someone that has those beliefs all of the power and trappings of the presidency, and it becomes a very, very dangerous time.”

Dangerous times. That is the ingredient either coming or delaying to come (if he is not popular now he may be later). If God in His wisdom decides to speed up the events of Daniel 11:44 and 45 in order to arrive at the Time of Trouble, for Christ to come, then it appears from my own analysis, and I can be way out of the mark, a time arrived.

Daniel says in Daniel 11:44 about the USA, who in my historicist interpretation is the “he” in the verse, all the way from verse 36 since the empire that came to an end in 35 is the papacy in 1798 which got a deadly wound by Napoleon but would heal (Revelation 13 the first beast) and the second beast (USA) in Revelation 13 would later give the papacy his power by making him an image (maybe the United Nations? Or principles of the United Nations or their jurisprudence or rulings?). It will become very evident since nothing is conspiracy or secretive. God does not work that way. Open, clear, global perceived, globally recognized. Highly visible and clearly understood. So we need to watch out for it.

Daniel 11:44 says that news from the East (Iran or Teheran or the nuclear deal related issues) and from the North (Syria or ISIS or Russia) will disturb “him”, the president of the USA and if he is Trump and Putin and Khomenei said that they will be incooperative with him as president, then the scenario is decided by God to go that way soon. Note that the verse do say a war is raged by the USA in Iran and around in verse 44, despite what Obama may had in mind in his range of agendas for Iran and Russia.

So what are we to do with this situation? Point is, to stop it or not stop it, is beyond our capacity. I like Isaiah’s approach in Isaiah 31: when Sargon II became too interested in Palestine, the Judeans of Isaiah’s day went down to Egypt to connect horizontally due to factors like the speed of their horses (Isaiah 31:1b); the quantity of their military hardware “chariots because they are many” (Isaiah 31:1c); strong infantry “horsemen because they are very strong” (Isaiah 31:1d). But here is the problem that Isaiah diagnosed: they disconnected from God vertically (Isaiah 31:1e). Isaiah is not focusing on Judah or on Egypt nor on Assyria but on God and His eschaton. God is “wise” and “will bring disaster” in the Eschaton (last days) (Isaiah 31:2a). God does not “retract His words” (Isaiah 31:2b). When God said a Time of Trouble will come or Christ will come or Resurrection will come to pass or that Iran and Russia/Syria/ISIS will make the USA angry to the point of war (Daniel 11:44), then that will happen, sooner or later. What about the faithful? “He will protect and deliver” Isaiah said in other passages in other chapters. Great book, Isaiah, great prophet and a great God to worship. The winning card through all this, is on the knees and worshipping Him.

Dear God

Grant Lord that we will focus like Isaiah on You in our times and not on human machinations and securities. Keep us and protect us we ask in Your Name. Amen.


Media Finders, “Clinical Psychologist Says Trump Is Following ‘Playbook’ of Leaders Like Hitler, Mussolini” (22 January 2016).

Nick Gass, “Trump not bothered by comparisons to Hitler” (12th of August 2015).

Maria Konnikova, “Less than artful choices: Narcissistic Personality Disorder according to Donald Trump (2012?)  Online retrieved 27th of January 2016.

She talks about a book she consulted: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) volume I from 1980 but that she was looking at Volume III and IV.


1.     An exaggerated sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

 “Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken,” says Trump.

2.     Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love

“My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.”

3.     Believes he is “special” and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

“Rosie O’Donnell called me a snake oil salesman. And, you know, coming from Rosie, that’s pretty low because when you look at her and when you see the mind, the mind is weak. I don’t see it. I don’t get it. I never understood – how does she even get on television?”

4.     Requires excessive admiration

“Nobody but a total masochist wants to be criticized.”

5.     Has a sense of entitlement

“I wish I’d had a great marriage. See, my father was always very proud of me, but the one thing he got right was that he had a great marriage. He was married for 64 years. One of my ex-wives once said to me, ‘You have to work at a marriage.’ And I said, ‘That’s the most ridiculous thing.’”

6.     Selfishly takes advantage of others to achieve his own ends

7.     Lacks empathy

8.     Is often envious of others or believes others to be envious of him

9.     Shows arrogant, haughty, patronizing, or contemptuous behaviors or attitudes

“I'm not running for office. I don't have to be politically correct. I don't have to be a nice person. Like I watch some of these weak-kneed politicians, it's disgusting. I don't have to be that way.”

“One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace. Good people don’t go into government.”