
 나팔을 들어서 크게 불라

 Jesus Is Coming Again


1 Lift up the trumpet and loud let it ring:

Jesus is coming again!

Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing:

Jesus is coming again!

Coming again, coming again,

Jesus is coming again!


lift up: 들어 올리다

trumpet: 트럼펫, 나팔

loud: 큰 소리로

ring: 울리다

cheer: 성원하다, 응원하다

ye: (thou의 복수형) 너희, 그대들

pilgrim: 순례자


2 Echo it, hilltops; proclaim it, ye plains:

Jesus is coming again!

Coming in glory the Lamb that was slain:

Jesus is coming again!

Coming again, coming again,

Jesus is coming again!


echo: 메아리치게 하다

hilltop: 언덕

proclaim: 선포하다

plain: 평지

glory: 영광

lamb: 어린 양

slay slew slain 죽이다

Lamb that was slain:


3 Heavings of earth, tell the vast, wondering throng:

Jesus is coming again!

Tempests and whirlwinds the anthem prolong:

Jesus is coming again!

Coming again, coming again,

Jesus is coming again!


heaving: (지반의) 융기

vast: 거대한

wondering: 놀라다, 이상히 여기다

tempest: 폭풍우

whirlwind: 선풍, 회오리 바람

anthem: 송가

prolong: 늘이다, 오래 끌다


4 Nations are angry--by this do we know:

Jesus is coming again!

Knowledge increases, men run to and fro:

Jesus is coming again!

Coming again, coming again,

Jesus is coming again!


increase: 증가하다

to and fro: 이리 저리로


Text: Jessie E. Strout, 1872

Music: George E. Lee, 1872