Stephen Haskell and the Observance of the Sabbath

Koot van Wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD); Visiting Professor, Department of Liberal Education, Kyungpook National University, Sangju Campus, South Korea, Conjoint lecturer of Avondale College, Australia.





1. WHEN was the Sabbath created? Ex. 20:11.

2. For whom was it made? Mark 2 : 27.

3. How did God regard the seventh day at the time of creation?

Gen. 2 :2.

4. Did the Creator himself need rest? Isa. 40 : 28.

5. What was the second act in making the Sabbath? Gen. 2:3.

6. What is it to sanctify? Joel 1 :14. (See Ex. 19, where the

mount was sanctified.)

7. What shows that " to appoint" is the same as " to sanctify" ?

Josh. 20 :7, margin.

8. What shows that "to proclaim" is the same as "to sanctify"?

2 Kings 10 :20, margin.

9. To whom, then, must the seventh day have been made known

as God's rest-day?

10. What was the final act in making the Sabbath? Ex. 20: 11,

last clause.

11. Why were these last two acts performed? Gen. 2:3.

12. Then was the Sabbath ever given to man as a laboring day?

13. In what sense was the seventh day given to man?

14. How much of the human race was represented by Adam and


15. Then when the Saviour said " the Sabbath was made for man,"

how much did it embrace?

Time length of the Sabbath:

16. How much of the twenty-four hours constituted a day? Gen.

1:5, 19, 23, 31.

17. How much of the time, then, is to be recognized in the Sabbath?

18. When does the Sabbath commence? Lev. 23 : 32.

19. At what point does evening commence? Deut. 16 :6.

20. What shows that the New Testament recognizes the same

principle? Mark 1 :32.

21. What kind of labor is to be performed on the six days? Ex.

23:12. (Thy work.)

Lawful labor on Sabbath

22. What kind of labor was it not lawful to perform on the Sabbath?

23. Was any kind of labor lawful on the Sabbath? Matt. 12 :5.

24. What kind of labor was lawful? Verses 3, 4, 7.

25. What is the difference between "thy work" and the Lord's


26. Was the work necessary for offerings in the sanctuary man's


work or God's work?-Ans. God's work ; for it constituted his worship.

27. What shows that a work of mercy, however laborious, is right

to perform on the Sabbath? Matt. 12 :10-12.


28. Is it right to transact any kind of business on the Sabbath?

Neh. 13 :15-18.

29. What were the first causes that led to this state of things?

Amos 8 :5.

30. How long before Nehemiah did Amos prophesy?-Ans.

About 350 years.

31. By what prophet did God warn them concerning this? Jer.


32. Was this prediction fulfilled? 2 Chron. 36 :19-21.

Prepare for work on the Sabbath:

33. Is it right for men to prepare for their own work on the hours

of the Sabbath? Neh. 13 : 20-22.

35. When should they be prepared to commence the Sabbath?

Verse 19.

35. If God was thus particular about the commencement of the

Sabbath, would he be less so in regard to its close?

36. Upon what day did the Israelites receive a double portion of

manna? Ex. 16:22.

37. Why was this? Verse 29.

38. Upon what day did they receive none? Verse 27.

39. What other miracle was performed to show the sacredness of

the seventh day? Verse 24.

Cooking on Sabbath:

40. What special command did the Lord give in regard to cooking

the manna? Verse 23.

41. Upon what day was this to be done?

42. Then was it wrong to prepare their food on the Sabbath?

43. Was it wrong to take food where they were on the Sabbath,

providing they could not prepare it the day before? Matt. 12:1;

Deut. 23 :24, 25.

44. How long were these miracles wrought to show the sanctity of

the seventh day? Ex. 16 :35.

45. Were they permitted to go out to gather their food on the


46. Were they allowed even to cook it on that day?

Is the Sabbath just for certain seasons?

47. Did the Lord require a strict observance of the Sabbath in all

seasons of the year after Israel entered Canaan? Ex. 34:21.

48. What expression does Jeremiah ,,see to show that men should

do no labor to get gain on that day? Jer. 17 :21, 22.

49. What special promise did he make if men would thus observe

the Sabbath? Verses 24, 25.

Secular work on Sabbath:

50. What statement does Isaiah make showing that we should perform

no secular labor on the Sabbath? Isa. 58:13, first clause.

51. What should we call the Sabbath?


Conversations on Sabbath:

52. Should our conversation be different on the Sabbath from what

it is on other days?

53. With what should our words be in harmony?

54. What shows that it is not so much the amount of labor performed

on the Sabbath that is wrong as it is the character of the labor?

Matt. 12 :10-12.

55. What requirement did God make of his people on the Sabbath?

Lev. 23:3.

56. What shows this to have been a general practice? 2 Kings

4:22, 23.

57. What promise did God make to Israel if they would attend the

regular seasons of worship? Ex. 34 : 24.

58. What shows that the early church in the gospel age was also

instructed to assemble together? Heb. 10 : 25.

59. What proof is there that they did this on the Sabbath? Acts


60. Who had given them this custom? Luke 4:16.

Disciples and the Sabbath:

61. Did the disciples recognize the command for the observance of

the Sabbath? Luke 23 :56.

62. Did the great apostle to the Gentiles recognize this custom?

Acts 17:2.

63. What shows there were to be special offerings on the Sabbath?

Num. 28:9, 10.

64. At what time did Cain and Abel meet to make their offerings?

Gen. 4 :3, 4, margin.

65. Was there any reckoning of time except the weekly cycle at

this period?

66. What provision did Moses make to meet the expense and for

the service of the sanctuary? Ex. 30 :11-15.

67. At what time did God originally design this to be paid ?-Ans.

Yearly, when they numbered Israel. 2 Chron. 24:5.

68. When the temple was repaired in the days of Jehoash, did

they use their trespass or sin money? 2 Kings 12:16.

69. What money did they use? 2 Chron. 24 : 6.

70. When were they to bring their trespass money? Lev. 5:15, 16.

71. Did they bring sanctuary money at the regular time in the

days of Jehoash? 2 Chron. 24:5.

72. What expression shows that this was a regular offering?

Verse 11.

73. Where did they place the money? 2 Kings 12:9, 10.

74. If this was not their sin and trespass money, nor the tithes,

and it was not brought on the atonement day, and they had regular

worship, and made special offerings on the Sabbath, what may we reasonably

conclude is the meaning of the expression, "day by day"?

75. Would it be any more of a sin to make offerings on the Sabbath

for the Sabbath-school now, than it was to offer two extra lambs

and two tenth deals of flour on the Sabbath when it was forbidden to

boil or bake on that day? S[tephen]. N. H[askell]


S.N. Haskell, “Proper Observance of the Sabbath” Bible Reading No. 47. 1888: 100-103 in Bible-Reading Gazette.