The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying On Death Dying and the Future Hope in the series Lesson 6, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: "The Death of Christ for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson On Death Dying and the Future Hope.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God"

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 72 and for the laymen edition or Standard Edition, on page 46.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why don’t you click on this link right now:

---When Christ’ hour came, He prayed in Gethsemane that this hour be passed for Him.

---He had to die. It was inescapable. Young. 33 years of age.

---Paul talked about the righteous in 1 Corinthians 15:18 “Those fallen asleep in Christ have perished”.

---Perished? They definitely do not go to heaven after they die. Paul says they perished.

---While humans perished, Christ was Resurrected on Sunday after an inclusive three day count.

---There are churches who insisted it has to be 72 hours. Exactly. So they end up with the Crucifixion on Wednesday.

---But it is unbiblical.

---The woman wanted to put Him in the tomb before Sabbath. It was Friday.

---The biblical statements are very clear on this. It is like 1+1=2.

---Once people bring in some hidden agenda, they start to read the Bible with new agenda glasses and wish to make everything skew in order to fit their agenda. This is not truth seeking. It is self-painting.

---Christ’s death is the most important death of any human for our lives.

---His life and His death save us. Resurrection hope is grounded in His resurrection because Satan was defeated that morning and his myth of immortality laid at rest in heavenly circles.