The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Mission in the series Lesson 1, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “Mission as God solving the Fall problem for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Mission”.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 7.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---Eve, the fruit, Satan riding the snake with beautiful wings, sin, nakedness and God looking for them. This is today the topic.


---Ellen White in Patriarchs and Prophets brought all bits and pieces of the Bible together talking about the Great Controversy of Satan and Christ and the Creation of Eden and Fall of Man events.

---We cannot call it a story, a myth, a narrative, but we can call it history, events.

---Ellen White explored the Biblical theme with great care, as one can see by comparing her ideas to that of dramatists like Grotius, Vondel and Milton and other traditions like Augustine and Sallianus.

---Archaeology actually confirms Genesis 3 and the view Ellen White portrays in Patriarchs and Prophets

---Snake had wings and was very beautiful.

Wings +beautiful

---Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 53

The serpent was then one of the wisest and most beautiful creatures on the earth. It had wings, and while flying through the air presented an appearance of dazzling brightness, having the color and brilliancy of burnished

---Only Ellen White says the snake had wings?

---She is not the only one who says this.

---Wings and legs

Genesis 3:14[implied]

When God punished the snake He said that in future he will only move by sailing. Why? Flying is out and walking too. Feet dropped off. Wings too.

---Wings +beautiful

Joost van den Vondel, [1664]: l. 618-619 schoone vlercken andeen geschubde draeck voorzien van schoone vlercken // Hy is in vliegen en omzwerven uitgeleert


John Milton, Paradise Lost ix 496-505 and lovely, never sinne of Serpent kind lovelier 

---Wings and legs

Josephus: lost it as punishment

---Wings and legs

In the days of Moses at the Exodus, Tomb art of the Pharaoh of the Exodus shows a snake with wings and legs. Iconography in Archaeology support Moses’s description of the snake with wings and legs in Genesis 3:14.

---Iconography from the days of Moses

See Tomb ofThutmosis III, pharaoh of Exodusin 1450 BCE for talking snakes with wings and four legs

See also AS 4=AUCT1:492 dating to Amar Sin 7th year ca. 2069 BCE; A. Mazar, page 167 Ain-Samiya goblet, MB I2050-2000 BCE [idem also Dever, BASOR  237: 35-64]; AS 7=AUCT IV Sigrist, OB Text 62, p. 98 ca. 1900 BCE; ibid. Text 72 in 1st year of Samsuiluna ca. 1749 or1727 BCE Der alte Orient 19: 12 for Nabu-aplam-iddina, 15 for Nazi-Marutash [my dating 1422-1396 BCE (but Brinkman, 1307-1282 BCE)]; 17 for Nebuchadnezar I; 19 for Meli- Schipat [Brinkman 1186-1172 BCE].

---These are all examples of walking snakes in different times! Between 2069 past Moses’ time to 1172 BC.

---So Ellen White and the Bible is not a story of Eve and the Snake.

---It is about the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan.

---Ellen White says it took place in less than one day. The Jewish Talmud says that it was 5 and a half hours. In Luther’s Table Talks 364 it says it happened in a few hours. Laurentius Codomanus Chronographia 3rd ed. [1596]: 90 says it took a few days. See also Thomas Mouton The Threefold State (1629) page 8 for the same view. A short time it happened was the view of William Perkins,Works [Cambridge1605]: 11; also JohnMilton.

---Those who had the same view as Ellen White are also these authors before Ellen White: Donne, Sermons, x 48; John Gaude, Practique Theories [1629]: 17; Quarles, Divine Francis [1632]: 181; John Lightfoot, The Harmony of the Old Testament [1647]: 4; Petrus de Witte,Catechizíng [1664]: 50; Montaque, De Jus Divinum [1652]: 17.

--- Half-reluctant was Eve to Satan spoke with her

Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 55-56 “The serpent plucked the fruit of the forbidden tree and placed it in the hands of the half-reluctant Eve. Then he reminded her of her own words, that God had forbidden them to touch it, lest they die. She would receive no more harm from eating the fruit, he declared, than from touching it, they die. She would receive no more harm from eating the fruit, he declared, than from touching it.” See also Hippolitus Phaedra Senecca Phaedra lines 594b-595a; Grotius, Adamus Exul [1601] lines 1247b-1298a; Vondel, Adam in Ballingschap [1664] line 1197.

--- Unperceived

Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 53 “In order to accomplish his work unperceived, Satan chose to employ as his medium the serpent-- a disguise well adapted for his purpose of deception.” See also Salianus, Annales I p. 147 point 6 “Welk dier? Ant de slang”; Vondel, Adam in Ballingschap [1664] lines 616-618.

--- Disguise

Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 53. See also Salianus, Annales I p. 147 point 5 “Moest de verleider hun in eigen gestalte verschynen of in de gedaante van een ander? He laaste”; Vondel, Adam in Ballingschap [1664] line 599 “men trecke een grijns aen van het een of ander dier”.

--- Into the same misery

Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 52 “Thus he would not only plunge these innocent beings into the same misery which he was himself enduring, but would cast dishonor upon God, and cause grief in heaven.” See also Salianus, Annales I p. 147 point 3 “Tot welke zonde moet zij worden verleid? Ant Tot die van hoogmoed”; [pride is here reference to Satan’s Fall in Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezechiel 28]; Vondel, Adam in Ballingschap [1664] lines 671-673.

--- Curiosity

Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 55 “He is constantly seeking to excite a spirit of irreverent curiosity, a restless, inquisitive desire to penetrate the secrets of divine wisdom and power.” See also Vondel, Adam in Ballingschap [1664] line 670

--- Prof. Johan Japp of Helderberg College listed the sins of Eve as follows: 1. pride 2. unbelief 3. desire for illegal fruit 4. disobedience 5. tempting Adam 6. self-excuse 7. corruption of mankind. Very similar to her husband.

Prof. Johan Japp of Helderberg College listed the sins of Adam in 1979 as follows: Adam 1. pride 2. disbelief in God s word 3. inquisitive 4. disobedience 5. love for his wife 6. self-excuse 7. corruption of mankind. Ellen White in Patriarchs and Prophets has the same at pp. 55-57. See also Vondel, Adam in Ballingschap [1664] line 57 “wantrou =disbelief twijfel=doubt”.

---Did they have sex before the Fall?

Zero information but Hugo Grotius in his Adamus Exul 1601 claimed that they had.

---Did Satan try to tempt Adam first?

Zero information in the Bible and Ellen White but Hugo Grotius in 1601 and an earlier work in the 8th and 9th centuries claims that they had: The Caedmonian Genesis 8-9th centuries CE op.cit Watson Kirkcornell, The Celestial Cycle 31-33.

--- Plotting

Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 52 “Satan's enmity against God found a new field in plotting the ruin of the human race.” See also Salianus, Annales I point 6 page 147; Vondel, Adam in Ballingschap [1664] Third Play.

---What role did superstition play?

Ellen White has zero information and also the Bible. Hugo Grotius and Vondel claimed it played a part.

---Did Adam fell due to his Solomonic love for Eve?

Hugo Grotius and Vondel says yes. Ellen White and the Bible says no. He felt that she was part of himself as the marriage relationship was ideally to be. It was pain to separate. See Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 56 “Love, gratitude, loyalty to the Creator--all were overborne by love to Eve. She was a part of himself, and he could not endure the thought of separation.

---Was Satan first praising Eve?

Augustinus says yes. Salianus yes, Vondel yes. Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 54 “in a musical voice, with subtle praise of her surpassing loveliness”.

---Was the snake’s home in Eden?

The Bible and Ellen White says yes and so did Augustine, Salianus and Vondel but not Hugo Grotius in 1601.

---Did the absence of Adam gave Satan an opportunity?

Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 53 “The angels had cautioned Eve to beware of separating herself from her husband while occupied in their daily labor in the garden; with him she would be in less danger from temptation than if she were alone”. Also Vondel felt this way.

---Did Adam and Eve argue before the Fall?

The Caedmonian Genesis 8-9th centuries CE op.cit Watson Kirkcornell, The Celestial Cycle 31-33 says it was after the Fall. So did Milton in Paradise Lost but Vondel claimed that they argued before the Fall. Ellen White said it is after the Fall. The Bible also says it is after the Fall.

---Was there a paradise fire? No a sword Genesis 3:24. Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 60 “Around these angels flashed beams of light having the appearance of a glittering sword.” Hugo Grotius claimed there was a fire. Hugo Grotius, Adamus Exul [1601] lines 2007- 2019 especially 2015-2016.

---Was the end of the Fall fatalistic and without hope?

Hugo Grotius and Joost van Vondel said yes but Ellen White and the Bible said no. Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets [1903], 63 “it is to be restored more gloriously adorned than at the beginning

---Is the Bible not full of surprises? Can you see that Ellen White does not blindly copy from scholars of the past and throw it out as inspired to us?

---While informed theologians like Grotius is on the road and then off the road Ellen Whtie is continuously on the road of the Revealed Text of the Bible. Correct?

---Is there pastors or teachers who say they do not believe in Ellen White? They should have been sent home long time ago. Correct?