Psalm 74: For those officiating in the service of God

koot van wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)
Visiting Professor
Department of Liberal Education
Kyungpook National University
Sangju Campus
South Korea
Conjoint lecturer of Avondale College

    Psalm 74 is for the leader in service of God (v. 1). It is for the sons of Korag. Korag is dating to the time of Moses The Psalm is probably dating to the time of the Judges when the ark was captivated. If you try to date Korag to the time of Hezekiah and even later or earlier, you sit with the problem that the tabernacles stopped to exist in 970 BCE when Solomon started building the temple in his fourth year. It is thus after Moses time and before Solomon built the temple. The word tabernacles (mishkenoteka) is definitely used (v. 2). The singer says that the tabernacles of God is lovely (a romantic word in Hebrew). The plural indicates that the Outer Court, the Holy and the Most Holy are in mind. "It is desirable and also is my soul complete" (v. 3a) reads literally in the Hebrew. He says that his heart (emotions) and his flesh (physical opening of the mouth and usage of the vocals and tongue with its muscles) are singing for joy "unto the living God" (v. 3b). The worshiper is 100% sure God exists for him/her. There is no room for doubt. You cannot call God a living God and also wonder if He exists. Talking about an abode for the birds like the sparrow and swallow, their houses and nests, the officiating worshiper wish to indicate that happy are "the dwelling ones of Your dwelling, they are the more praising You" (v. 5a-b) meaning that the angels in heaven are always worshiping God and how fortunate are they. The altars of the Lord is a fantastic "dwelling" for the officiating priest/preacher/singer/worshiper since the Lord is "Lord of hosts [angels], my King and my God" (v. 4d). The Kingship of Christ will fully be recognized after the completion of Christ High Priestly function in the Most Holy in the Heavenly Sanctuary.
    "Happy is a human, strength to him is in You, from the highways in Your heart" (v. 6a-b). To be distanced from the highways in God's heart is to be on the highways of evil.
    Passing in the valley of Baka from a fountain, also the early rain (Holy Spirit outpouring at Pentecost in Acts 2) clothed with blessings (fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5 and the assistance of the Spirit to spread the gospel in those days with manifestations) (v. 7). "They will (future form by using the Imperfect Form of the Hebrew verb) go from strength unto strength [which the early church did go]" (v. 8a). It is said that "they shall appear unto God in Zion" (v. 8b) which is the eschaton when Jesus comes and all enter the New Jerusalem that they will enter then which will be the Zion of safety.
    Now in verse 9 the officiating priest or singer or preacher or worshiper asks God to hear his/her prayer. God of Jacob must give ear to what he is going to pray (v. 9). Jacob is important here since the time of Jacob's trouble will be that short period of maybe nine months when the Great Tribulation will be before the Second Coming of the Lord. God is a shield then in the Time of Trouble that Daniel 12:1 is talking about. God is a shield in these difficult times but also is it better if God focus on Christ "and look the face of Your Anointed [Christ]" (v. 10b). Christ is officiating in Heaven then shortly before the Door of Mercy closes, which concludes Christ's High Priestly function. This part of the verse refers prior to this ending of His ministry in Heaven. Daniel 7 indicates that Christ [Son of Man] appear before God the Father [Ancient of Days] during this High Priestly ministry of which Hebrew 9 in conjunction with Daniel 8:14 is talking about.
    For a faithful worshiper, the one day (one day = one year in prophecy) is better in the close presence of God "in Your courts" than a thousand days = years = millennium in the tents of wickedness, which is Satan's condition for a millennium while the saints are in Heaven or Zion or in the presence of God (v. 11). The saints can sit with Christ on His throne (Revelation 3:21) since it is the Confirmation Judgment phase and Christ will wipe away their tears. To dwell in the tent of wickedness at the end of that millennium will be for anyone extermination since it will be the Hell event after the millennium. God is both a sun and shield to the believers "no good thing will He withhold to the ones walking in uprightedness" (v. 12c). With the creation of the New Heavens and New Earth the sun will no longer be necessary since God is the sun to all. Eternity will be spent in happiness. The officiating worshiper ends the psalm saying that the human that trusts in the Lord is happy (v. 13).

Dear God
A proper understanding of your end-time events gives us hope and excitement of special things for us far greater than this world can offer. Grant that also us may experience these. In Your loving name, Amen.