SABBATH SCHOOL STUDY                      

GUIDE       Chongni-Church S S Lesson

Chongni Church

Quarter 4

lecturer: dr. Sookyoung Kim

Supervision of Deacon Hong and Pastor Kang  (your connection for requests)


           Study-Guide : Sabbath School Study : 105a +2012Da

Unit 5      Growing in Christ

Warm up:  Put (T) = true        or (F) = false

T  F  1. As long as you think Christ has saved you, you do not have to experience it. It is only for the thoughts, not for your actions

T  F  2. Christianity is a religion of struggle for redemption?

T  F  3. If I overcome my slavery to sin I go to heaven when I die?

voca  slavery to sin (John 8:34)(1)

voca  when to heaven – trumpet time (1 Corinthians 15:52)(2)

T  F  4. Is the cross-death a sacrifice but not a substitution?

T  F  5. When was Christ offered as sacrificial Lamb? a) on the cross; b) not yet c) before the fall of Adam

voca  when Christ offered (1 Peter 1:20 and Revelation 13:8)(3)

T  F  6. We may be saved, can be saved, must be saved but all is conditional.

T  F  7. God does not forgive unconditionally or automatically. He wants to change the sinner’s attitude to a believer’s attitude.

T  F  8. God is willing to forgive but not willing to overlook our sins.

voca  overlook of sins (Exodus 34:6, 7) (4)                       

T  F  9. We are declared not guilty through Christ. Do we still need to be freed from the evil “powers”?

T  F 10. When we submit our will power to God, He will immediately take it and work on us to follow His pleasing will.

voca Will power: Messages to the Young People 152

Let's Talk

Three or four in a team.    Rotate the questions.

1.There are sins that we can never be free of. What do you say?

voca   (9)  Romans 6:22 2:8                           

         Yes. Does Paul not say the good that he wants to do, he does not?.

(your answer)                                                                

 (extension?) = say more?

Well, I do not know exactly how it works but the Bible speaks as if we should be free from all sinful actions.

voca   (10) “A Christian who does evil will be disapproved and blotted out of the book of Life” (E. Heppenstall, Our High Priest, chapter 7 paragraph 12).                           

2. God force Himself not to force people. What do you think?

Partner answer: Yes. God does not robots for believers but self-dedicated people.

(your answer)                                                                

(extension?) = say more?

No. God started and created everything so it is like a clock that was made to tick as long as it is able. We just are what He made us.

3. When Christ died in 31 CE, Satan lost the battle, so he gave up and stopped his work?

voca   (11)  1 John 3:8 ; Hebrews 2:14                                                     

Partner answer: Yes. The only Devil remaining is myself and my thoughts. Dario Fo, the satirist comedian wrote a play Devil with Boops referring to his wife.

 (your answer)                                                    

 (extension?) = say more?

No. Paul says after the cross that our struggle is not with flesh and blood alone but also with principalities. There are natural and supernatural forces of evil.

4. Principalities and powers mean a) supernatural powers b) world powers c) my own passions and desires d) defects in my DNA from Adam?

voca   (12)  Romans 8:38; Ephesians 6:12; Matthew 25:41                           

voca   (13)  See Wednesday last paragraph.                           

Partner answer: No. It is only our DNA that is defective and that is why we are evil.

(your answer)                                                    

(extension?) = say more?

Combo is the word. It is a combination of all that causes us to be evil. We are in a sinful environment, have a sinful nature, loaded with guilt, the status of sinner, Satan as evil planner, his agents willing to carry out his devices, and a decreed punishment, including death, hanging over our heads.

Step up now

5. This world does not belong to Christ but to Satan. That is why things are problematic on earth even after Christ provided salvation at the cross?

voca  The army of the Lord is on the ground, seeking to save souls. Satan and his host are also at work (Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church vol. 6, p. 41 23)(14)                                                 

Partner answer: Satan knows that he lost everything so he intends to bring as many down with him as possible.

(your answer)                                                    

 (extension?) = say more?

Is it possible that Satan is trying to cause as many casualties as possible since he hopes it will bring the numbers to 50% so that the democracy of heaven will favor him instead of Christ?

6. There is no such thing that you grow into salvation. What do you think?

voca   (15)  1 Peter 2:2                                                    

Partner answer: Yes. Salvation was at the cross, period.

(your answer)                                                                

 (extension?) = say more?

voca  ”Do not let sin reign” = (Romans 6:12)(16)

The Bible says we will follow the example of Christ if we tasted salvation.

7. We do good works because we want to become an elder in the church?

voca   (17)  E. Heppenstall: “Christian glorifies God by devoted loving obedience” (Our High Priest chapter 7 paragraph 29)                           

Partner answer: No. That will be like the Pharisees.

(your answer)                                                    

 (extension?) = say more?

Yes, you have to be ambitious and strive for higher things.

voca   (18)  Church Manual 54 citing 1 Peter 5:1-3 “elders . . .neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to flock”.

8. Some people’s DNA is very weak so they cannot stop sinning so we have to change the codes of the Bible, also the Ten Commandments to accommodate them?

voca   (19)  E. Heppenstall, “Sickness of the soul cannot be resolved by changing the code” (Our High Priest, chapter 7 paragraph 35). “You can reject the law, violate it, burn it, bury it, but there is no escape from bondage, burdens, anxieties, and the guilt of sin” (paragraph 37).                           

Partner answer: Yes. A homosexual or lesbian cannot cure themselves.  

(your answer)                                                    

(extension?) = say more?

No. The Law of God is unchangeable and eternal. It is us who are to change, not Him. There is not a single moral infirmity that cannot be healed.


Express Orally Together

“Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (Colossians 2:15).