Phillip Melanchton Calculated the Coming of Christ


Adventists are called “Date-setters” but so were Lutherans and specifically Phillip Melanchton.

Luther came in 1520 plus 200 years to end papacy with His/Christ’s glorious coming:

Start of Luther’s Reform 1520+200 = 1720 for the Second Coming Prediction.

Death of Luther: 1546 Luther died plus 200 is 1746 as the time for the Second Coming of Christ according to Phillip Melanchton, says his friend and co-worker Martin Luther.  


I cite from the Table Talks by Luther’s Friend


“At last comes our Lord God, divides the game, beats the Pope with Luther (he is the ace).  But the Pope is not yet quite dead; Christ hath begun to slay him with the spirit of his mouth, so that he is dead in the hearts of believing Christians.  I hope it is almost come so far that, in less than two hundred years, God will quite make an end of him, and of that antichristian idolatry, by his glorious coming.”


Source: Table Talks of Luther page 47.


Background story to these words of Martin Luther

Martin Luther died on the 18th of February, 1546. He had many Table Talks and friends would write down what he said. The first publication of his “Table Talk”—Tischreden was by his friend, Johann Goldschmidt (Aurifaber), was in 1566. In 1836 it was published by Stuttgart and Leipzig in 14 volumes.

Captain Henry Bell received one night between 12 and 1am a dream of a visitor with a long beard telling him that he will translate Luther’s Table Talks. The man in the vision said that he would soon get the time to do it. Two weeks later after church on a Sunday his wife and him ate dinner when two men walked in from the Government and arrested him. He was put in jail without him knowing why. He was in prison for 10 years. After five years he started translating the work about Luther. Then the Archbishop wanted to see his translation but he did not want to give it to him. A year later the Archbishop asked again and he gave it to him. He promised to send it soon. Three months later a messenger brought golden lyres to him but not the translation. After one year he asked for the translation and original but the Messenger brought 14 lyres. Then after another year he said that he would go to the Council to complain about his translation and original and the Archbishop sent it quickly. A few weeks later the Archbishop was in trouble and beheaded.



Johann Goldschmidt compiler in 1566 and Henry Bell English translator 1886, Selection from the Table Talk of Martin Luther. (London: Cassell & Company Limited). Downloaded from

For more information of Henry Bell who published the book in 1651, see the following link. Adventists do not believe in ghosts so one should use scissors and wastebasket to trim the blog.

재림교인을 날짜 설정자라고 부르지만 루터교인, 특히 필립 멜란히톤(Phillip Melanchton)도 마찬가지였습니다.

루터는 1520년에 와서 그의/그리스도의 영광스러운 재림으로 교황권을 끝내기 위해 200년을 더했습니다:

루터의 개혁 시작 1520+200 = 1720 재림예언.

루터의 죽음: 1546년 루터가 죽고 200을 더한 해는 필립 멜란히톤(Phillip Melanchton)에 따르면 그리스도의 재림의 시기인 1746년이라고 그의 친구이자 동료인 마틴 루터(Martin Luther)는 말합니다.

루터의 친구가 쓴 식탁 강연에서 인용하겠습니다.


드디어 우리 주 하나님이 오셔서 게임을 나누고 루터(그는 에이스입니다)로 교황을 이겼습니다. 그러나 교황은 아직 완전히 죽지 않았습니다. 그리스도께서는 입의 영으로 그를 죽이기 시작하셨고, 그리하여 그는 믿는 그리스도인들의 마음에서 죽었습니다. 나는 이백 년이 채 안 되어 하나님께서 그의 영광스러운 재림으로 그와 적기독교적인 우상 숭배를 완전히 종식시키실 정도로 거의 이르렀기를 바랍니다.”

출처: 루터의 식탁 담화 47페이지.