The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying In the Crucible with Christ in the series Lesson 9, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: "Praise the Lord rather than joining Trade-Unions” in Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson In the Crucible with Christ”.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God"

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 114 and for the laymen edition or Standard Edition, on page 75.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---Psalm 145 wraps up at the end events of our own time. Of today and tomorrow.

---There are evil intentions by many networks, unions, even trade-unions. Ellen White warned in 1904 against these in the Last days. We are those days.

---Below I cited her words and the link.

---The whole Psalm wants to bubble over with praise to the Lord.

---Have you ever seen people shaking a Coco-Cola bottle and opened it? Bubble over. It is no longer black. It is brown. It pumps up and go over.

---A pot on the stove boiling over. That is praise in this Psalm.

---The lesson says it is everything in your Daily Life.

---You may say, my dear friends are trade-union leaders or labor-union leaders and they plan a strike. Look below. It is connected to the work of Lucifer the Great Trade-Union leader in heaven with the origin of evil. Cannot, says Ellen White.

---Well, throw out Ellen White, then we can continue. That is also a sign of the Last Times just like the trade-union evils are.

---Watch last night a lady pumping evil out of her mouth about support for the anti-colonial movement because the FBI arrested one of their top leaders. An idiom says: “She bit the hand that feed her”! Very obvious but she cannot see it. This is trade-union results. Ellen White is right.

---But praise to God is not biting God Who feed us. God is the solution that trade-unions are not.

---Spurgeon the great preacher said on this Psalm: look around yourself, remember how God has led us in the past, and talk about it to everyone.

About Trade-Unions in the Last Days as Signal of the Nearness of the Second Coming

[On February 21, 1904, Ellen White wrote to her son William, and in eight pages dealt with many matters. The letter closed with the two paragraphs given here.] 4MR 89.1

Last night I slept only three hours, from eight to eleven. Oh, how my soul longs to see the people of God zealous in repentance. I entreat them to prepare to meet their God. Can they not see in the rapid growth of trades unions, the fulfilling of the signs of the times? Those forming the labor unions are determined to have their own way. Violence and death mean nothing to them if their unions are opposed. The spirit is working in those who profess to believe the truth, but who, because they do not live the truth, are always in contention. 4MR 89.2

The judgments of God are in the land. The wars and rumors of wars, the destruction by fire and flood, say clearly that the time of trouble which is to increase until the end, is already in the world.Letter 93, 1904, pp. 7, 8. (To W. C. White, February 21, 1904.) 
