Cylinder Seal from Mari (Zimri-Lim 1746 BCE)

by koot van wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)

Kyungbook National University

Sangju Campus

South Korea

conjoint lecturer of Avondale College


28 December 2009

The following cylinder seal was found in the Palace at Mari and thus can be said to found its last place at the destruction of the palace of Zimri-Lim of Mari in 1746 BCE.

We will use the orthographical information of Emil Forrer of the Boghazkoi texts in 1922 available online, as a tool to analyse the orthography of this cylinder seal. It was of course discussed, presented and translated by J. -M. Durand and also by M. Kelly-Buccellati (see Marie-Thérèse Barrelet, "En Marge de L'étude de Quelques empreintes de cylindres-sceaux trouvés dans le Palais de Mari," Mari 5 [1987]: 53-64 esp. page 54-58). The seal is in the Museum of l'Ermitage and its museum number is N. 6447.

cylinder seal from Mari 3.jpgcylinder seal from Mari 2b.jpgcylinder seal from Mari 2 a.jpg