Clay and Iron in the statue of Daniel 2

koot van wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)

Kyungbook National University

Sangju Campus

South Korea

Conjoint lecturer of Avondale College


4 April 2010

The history of interpretation of the book of Daniel and chapter 2 with the statue of Nebuchadnezzar that he saw in his dream, and the way Daniel interpreted it himself, leads us to the following analysis of the clay and iron in the feet of this statue.

Some wants to place the fall of the Roman Empire in 457 but a better way to see the change is the coin of Justinian in 538, minting it from that year no longer showing himself as a soldier but as a theologian. This fits perfectly in with the starting period of the 1260 years of persecution that we read of in Revelation 12 (the year day principle apply, meaning that one day is equal to one year, a reference very common in prophetic interpretation unless otherwise clearly stated the opposite e.g. 70 years in Jeremiah about the captivity period in Babylon). That period started the 'clay and iron' section of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar. It appears from our analysis that the 'iron' had its change to rule during the period 538-1798 but in that year Napoleon captured the pope and took him to France and thus a secular World Order took over with the ideological imput from the USA who would become the World "Policeman" for a new World Order. From what we can see in the book of Daniel 11:36-45 and Revelation 13:11ff. it appears that a Time of Trouble will come when another World Order follows that of the one currently in place. It also appears that it will last only a short time. But, it will be a period of Trouble like there never was before. Looking at world events it seems that the following scenario is currently developing and may be a trend towards this anticipated status quo.

The view is only this individual's and not that of any institution, organization, denomination or the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Some aspects people may agree on and that is understandable since the Associated Press have already informed them of similar trends. 

Clay and Iron in Statue of Daniel 2.jpg