
 Ellen White At Minneapolis: Reflecting Jesus-2


September 26-E. G White At Minneapolis: Reflecting Jesus-2




We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. 1John 3:14.

Do we really love our fellow believers? Especially the disgusting ones? Loving fellow church members was a central problem in the Adventism of the 1888 era.

"Those who truly love God," Ellen White told the General Conference delegates on October 21, "must manifest loving-kindness of heart, judgment, and righteousness to all with whom they come in contact; for these are the works of God. There is nothing Christ needs so much as agents who feel the necessity of representing Him. Evil speaking and evil thinking are ruinous to the soul. This has been current in this conference. There is nothing the church lacks so much as the manifestation of Christlike love. As the members of the church unite together in sanctified association, cooperating with Christ, He lives and works in them.

"Our eyes need the anointing with the heavenly eyesalve, that we may see what we are, and what we ought to be, and that power is provided in Christ sufficient to enable us to reach the high standard of Christian perfection.

"We must keep Jesus our pattern ever before us. This is and ever will be present truth. It
was by beholding Jesus and appreciating the virtues of His character that John became
one with his Master in spirit.... And to him was committed the work of telling of the Saviour's love and the love His children should manifest for one another. 'This is the message that ye heard from the beginning,' he writes, 'that we should love one another....We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren...

"The Lord has plain words for those who, like the Pharisees, make great boast of their piety but whose hearts are destitute of the love of God. The Pharisees refused to know God and Jesus Christ whom He had sent. Are we not in danger of doing the same thing as did the Pharisees and scribes?" (MS 8a, 1888; italics supplied).

It is no accident that Christ (Matt. 5:43-48; 19:21) and Ellen White (COL 67-69, 316, 384) repeatedly tie the concept of perfection and love together. Reflecting the moral character of God is not what you eat or even what you believe. It is being like the God who is love.

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Every page of the Holy Scriptures shines with His light(COL 115).
