The basic rule of National Universities in South Korea, and it may differ from university to university, as it does in other parts of the world, is that a circle is in essence the ownership of the students. The teachers cannot be members but can be asked to design or contribute the content of the material used. They can be asked to be guests. They are not irreplaceable and the status is relational and not absolute. The number of students so far has not increased but there is no absenteeism. One non-SDA member visited the church with interest. Another professor happen to enter the study area to put some flowers there and rode the study hour out with us. She belongs to the British Episcopal church and has expressed her wonder and stimulation from these studies. She has attended the church a number of times as well, but only for the music. 

English Bible Tutorials for University Students the book of Genesis 7 to 10b.txt

English Bible Tutorials for University Students the book of Genesis 7 to 10b.txt Lesson 7 to 10 aligned EBT analyzed.pdf