Prepare to meet your King!

Standing at the banks of Jordan with a prophetic map in our hand since we were born and others all the way back over 6000 years ago, it seems that finally something is falling into place?

Many things are happening around us and the first thing to do is to switch off the TV and only switch it on when you hear from others of something significant that happened. The proverbial ostrich head in the sand? Of course, but the sun is getting too hot for the brain. Is it not so that world events on all levels are out of control and chaotic? It is economic bubbles that threaten to burst and send stock scattering everywhere. It is wars and counter-wars and counter-counter wars. Then it is religion. Of many kinds that are all focused on the End of Time just like ourselves. For us a spiritual process in an atmosphere of total free choice of acceptance or total free choice of rejection, but for others with similar enthusiasm in their religion a matter of mandatory aspects regarding lifestyle, switching of the Almighty, wearing of clothes, and all are expected to fit into one shoe size, whether the feet are too big or not, male or female, child or grandparents. Literally all, or otherwise . . . .die.

There is not the option to go and live somewhere else since the goal is to spread this religion around the globe. Why? Since the Dictionary of Islam by Thomas Patrick Hughes in 1895 states that certain events should take place at the End Times to make it essential the End Time: the Last Day must be secret; there must be decay of faith; the meanest of people will advance to eminent dignity; Islam to make war with the Greeks and Romans; great distress in the world; Syria and Iraq will be rebellious; buildings of Medina must reach Mecca; the beast from the earth must appear with the name Dabbatu al’Arz; Antichrist must come with the name called al-Masihu ‘d-Dajjal “the false or lying Christ”; Jesus must come on the east of Damascus near the White Tower when all the people come back from taking Constantinople or Istanbul in Turkey; there will be a war with the Jews or a big slaughter; the God and Magog as Yaju and Ma’juj will appear and past the lake of Tiberias and go to Jerusalem to the distress of Jesus and His companions; smoke over the earth; eclipse of the Moon; a period of 100 years ignorance to come after the wind from God will sweep away all faithful people; Ethiopians will destroy the Kabah at Mecca; the coming of the al-Mahdi whom Islam is saying must precede the Resurrection. According to Islam Eschatology, just before the Resurrection there will be a trumpet sound and it will sound three times, according to Islam Eschatology.

The world is currently ripening with pragmatists who are tired of waiting and want to make it happen. Activism is the solution in their paradigm and zero patience and zero tolerance the keynote. The whole world has to be islammatize in their scenario to let this happen.

That world does not leave a space for anyone to go who disagree and to live their own lives. The Youtube sources, the lectures by Arabic scholars and Arabic-Jewish scholars in Arutz Sheva, the newspaper of Israel is spelling out the aspects with no uncertainty. Then of course the Dictionary of Thomas Hughes mentioned above.

So welcome to you and me living wherever we are as Christians waiting for the soon coming of Christ. The Bible way not the Koran way. He said that the gospel will be preached around the world and then the End will come.

However, it is not just a solution for us to know these things. We need to prepare to meet our God. We need to spiritually give ourselves to Him and dedicate ourselves anew. One cannot cling on this world and the world to come when Christ is going to recreate this world totally anew after His destruction of all evil at the End of Times. Our citizenship is in heaven when we get there and He takes us there in His own time. That time seems to be knocking on the door very close. How to prepare spiritually is thus a very important aspect of preparation.

“Take us, o Lord as wholly Thine”. This is sufficient actually to establish a salvivic link with heaven and be saved! That simple. Not going to church or  to a priest or pastor or preacher or wiseman at all. A simple SMS to heaven with the heart as smart-phone. In a flash everything is arranged. This is why one cannot say but: Prepare to meet your God. Of course I am not advocating to stay away from church, or from preachers, or reading the Bible. The issue is how quick can I be saved and the answer is clear, snap the fingers and it is done. The heart must be surrendered wholly but freely, with no pressure by anyone outside. It must come from the inside and belong to the person him/herself freely. If there is no room for total denial something is wrong with the religion. Of course I do not advocate denial of religion at free will since it is biblically irresponsible and has heavenly consequences although nothing seem to happen on earth, as of yet. But that time is standing facing us. Prepare to meet your King.