The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Genesis in the series Lesson 2, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart. 

The Topic today is: "The Crucibles suffering by and from sin"

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God"

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 21 and for the laymen edition or Standard Edition, on page 17.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

---The wages of sin is death. Sin has consequences. It has always monkey tails. Why? Satan and his angels are engineers of destruction. Sin ascribes wishes to be affected by Satan.

---No exercise = sickness.

---No Temperance = sickness.

---No Fresh Air, Water, Sunlight, proper Rest = sickness.

---"In [an environment of sin] my mother conceived me" David answered in Psalm 51. He meant that he was surrounded by sinful people, sin consequences and actions.

---Since the Christian is desiring happiness and peace, sin and its ramifications immediately and automatically makes us desiring the opposite of what we suffer.

---On p. 114 of LaRondelle's Perfection, he follows the Calvinist Reformers Van Der Leeuw, and Reformed theologian Kraus on Psalm 51:5 saying that "In [original guilt-status in my existence] sin did my mother conceive me". Believers of Original Sin with which people are born claims infant baptism to supernaturally "remove" it.

---Believers against Original Sin emphasize that it is not the individual baby itself that is born in sin but in an environment surrounded with sinful institutions, sinful people, sinful actions, sin in everything that is seen, heard, touched, smelled and tasted. Not a personal condition as an unavoidable suffering. A Crucible of Sin.

---The Science of Genetics indicates that there are a number of DNA defects from the parents that can be inbuilt into our individual systems. Tendencies of sin. Inborn tendencies.

---But, the Science of the Holy Spirit says that there is an indwelling God that is immediately to our care to remove these onslaughts against our thinking and assists our wishes for the opposite. And that effectively. 100%.

---Do we remain sinners after renovation by the Spirit? Should not. Otherwise the Spirit is good but not effective enough. That is not biblical.

---Ellen White indicates in her literature that God wants to help us overcome all bad habits and bad tendencies with the indwelling and enabling help of the Holy Spirit.

---Keep in mind that LaRondelle, Brinsmead, Ford, Knight, all wishes to teach the cry of Paul in Romans 7, "The good that I want to do I cannot and the bad that I do not want to do, that I do". They say it is the cry of the Christian until the Second Coming.

---Ellen White and a host of other scholars in the past taught that it is Saul [unconverted sinner] crying not Paul [converted Christian]. Luther's idea of simul iustus et peccator = same time just and sinner, is not the concept of Ellen White and thus not Adventist but Calvinistic Reformed Theology. We need to know that (LaRondelle footnote 430 on page 350 where he endorsed it).

---One should not confuse salvation understanding concepts of Adventism with that of Reformed Theology. Crows and Hens do not mix.