The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying In the Crucible with Christ in the series Lesson 11, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart. 

The Topic today is: "Now is the time to speak up for God rather than be quiet because of equal right of everyone’s opinion silencing the speaker" in Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson In the Crucible with Christ.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God"

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 142 and for the laymen edition or Standard Edition, on page 93.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

---Click on the following link:

---The author of the lesson and editors of the Sabbath School lesson, walked only on the corridors of David’s [now] experience.

---They did not cite his eschatological outlines of events that would happen when God wraps up history to open up the book for eternity.

---The reality is that the Psalm is intertwined with the now of David’s experience but also his understanding of the End-time events for the faithful and God’s agenda.

---Verse 2 and from verse 9 is clearly the Adventist prophetic charts and Last Day Events outlined.

---“There is no Last Generation Theology in the Bible” some said in California. Teng.

---Only one who has never read the Bible properly or rely on his own thoughts rather than the hints in Scriptures can say that.

---Only one who assigned the Bible to the past and their times 2000 years ago and threw away the key for present value of the Bible, can say that.

---Did you see the word for “Judgment” mishpath, in verse 6?

---“And He will make your righteousness to go forth as the light, and your Judgment as the noonday”. A shiny event for the faithful.

---The rest of the Psalm shows that it is not that wonderful for the evil.

---We must check our hearts individually for all evil and get our characters in line with God.

---It is not good enough Ellen White many times indicated in her works, that we say, “God is good enough and will overlook all my continual shortcomings”.

---Hell is about unfinished business that people had the chance to fix but refused to do so or were lax to do.

---“Don’t preach doom and gloom” some say.

---We cannot cherry-pick some parts of the Bible and others we do not want to hear.

---To the Law but also to the Prophets. If they do not do this, they are a people of no delight. Said God.

---In verse 7 David talked about the same situation that Asaph talked about in Psalm 73:16-17. He looked at the evil who prospers, but when he came into the Sanctuary into the Most Holy and read Deuteronomy and saw their end [Hell event] he realized the true path of the Lord.