The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying On Death Dying and the Future Hope in the series Lesson 7, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: "Reality of Resurrection and Conspiracy theories for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson On Death Dying and the Future Hope.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God"

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 90 and for the laymen edition or Standard Edition, on page 62.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why don’t you click on this link right now:

---Today is the use of Ellen White and her writings on the Resurrection. The book of Desire of Ages describes that reality DA 787 says that the voice of Christ “It is finished” penetrated graves and the dead were raised.

---Think about it. It is the divine-human Who died. The accomplishment was also a Victory of death at the same time.

---There is no way people can say that the graves of some were not opened when those very dead appeared at their families.

---Resurrection modern critics there are. They are sometimes from other religions or they are agnostic and atheistic people.

---They concoct and rationalize modern conspiracy theories as to what happened. Like: Jesus had a twin brother!

---Satanic attempts to cover up the reality of Jesus’ Resurrection is not going to help cover up the historical evidence.

---That the New Testament as book were collected from that time so unison in their testimony regarding the Resurrection of Jesus is a miracle in itself.

---Normally, with other religions, a surprising event is described just by one person. One source and that is it.

---The New Testament is unique that it was said by many individuals and not by hearsay only at many times.

---What about Judaism? Judaism, sad to say, has some of their Middle Age Rabbis changing the letters of the original to make it that Israel as people will have a spiritual make-over rather than the prediction that the Messiah will die and be raised up.

---If one reads the Targum Jonathan to the Prophets on Isaiah 53, it is shocking to see what they did with the original literal rendering of Isaiah.

---The Lamb of God was to die as atonement for many says Isaiah but not the Targum of Judaism rationalizers. Islam scholars do the same about Jesus. Buddhist as well denying Jesus’ resurrection.

---If a person does not believe that Jesus was Resurrected, this earth is their final destiny except that they will be resurrected for the burning fire of extinction reserved for Satan and his angels at a definite future point in time. Fire death is also on the list. Inescapable. Suicide now is not going to help.

---So what is the solution for these? Start with a rejection of all critical theories. Refuse to read them. Take up the New Testament itself. Read slowly. Do not read too much a day. Reflection of the data is necessary. Make a chronological chart of events. Get the historical data in order. Look at the theological continuity with the Old Testament, like the Sanctuary typified and Sanctuary reality in Heaven until now.

---Agnostic. Is your wife sick with cancer? Death awaiting her? Why don’t you try honest prayer to God for her healing and see what happens? Maybe you will be surprised. If that happens. See you in heaven!