We focus this morning on a lesson we can learn in our worship out of Leviticus. One can go  through the summaries of Leviticus 16 which is part of the heart of the sanctuary message in Adventism. Despite worldliness and secularism and trends to the opposite of the Word of God, pioneers and Spirit of Prophecy, the fundamental beliefs of Adventism stands unchanged on this Heavenly Sanctuary reality with its divisions in heaven, not just an open space with one throne the

The Desmond Ford era of discussion was because he studied under F. F. Bruce who indoctrinate his thinking with Calvinism at Manchester University and after his doctorate he ran a skew course. It cost the tithe payers a lot of finance. This heretic and his heresies of Sanctuary in heaven denial.

Many of his supporters got their doctorates also at other universities and rather than following the truths of the Bible they put on the glasses of Reformers and their professors who bought into Higher Critical and Redaction or Genre Criticism and pulled the Bible apart.

Adventists preached the importance of Leviticus 16 and 23 and Hebrews 7-10 which Calvinists jump over even this year in their articles of theology.

Daniel 8:14 with the 2300 year prophecy [one day = one year principle, for those who are beginners] is locked into Leviticus 16 and 23 because the sanctuary word is used in Daniel. Right?

For the beginner then there are many SS books that dealt with Hebrews, Daniel, Revelation, Leviticus that shows how the Holy Spirit carefully packed into the suitcase of His Word the data that we have to group together to get the mosaic picture of what He intended us to see.

If one reads to many conventional commentaries on the Bible, Satan will make sure that you will bypass the Adventist truth. I can assure you on that. Gender commentaries, metaphorical language Commentaries, against literalism and Biblicism commentaries, and the list goes on. All famous Bible Bookstores are selling these books. They are using methods and glasses of reading that is not in line with many texts of the Bible. 

There is the goat of Azazel that was condemned to Hell really, on the Day of Atonement in the Old Testament. Jesus died for us the eternal death of this goat. Satan is going to die that death in Hell as punishment for his eternal death.

If your church does not teach these truths, you need to move. Navigate to the nearest Adventist church or go online to ssnet. When? Now.