The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Three Cosmic Messages in the series Lesson 2, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: Ellen White and digimodernism for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Three Cosmic Messages.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God".

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 19.

The allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why don’t you click on this link right now:

---Finley gave us Ellen White for Friday. She says it all.

---“It is a law both of the intellectual and the spiritual nature that by beholding we become changed.

[It means that digimodernism is a digital age where everything is about virtual reality: virtual text and virtual images and virtual sounds and virtual effects]

[By beholding it we become changed: our focus shrinks. Our reflection ability in the cognitive parts of our brain diminished and disintegrates]

---The mind gradually adapts itself to the subjects upon which it is allowed to dwell.

[We dress like the fans we watch. We cut our hair like them. We wear their glasses and T-shirts and sandals and drive their cars with open windows on the beaches. Right? Hello? Good morning?]

---It becomes assimilated to that which it is accustomed to love and reverence. ----Man will never rise higher than his standard of purity or goodness or truth. [Oops humanism]

---If self is his loftiest ideal, he will never attain to anything more exalted. Rather, he will constantly sink lower and lower. [Money and gain orientated? Oops]

---The grace of God alone has power to exalt man. Left to himself, his course must inevitably be downward.”—Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 555.