The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Three Cosmic Messages in the series Lesson 3, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is:  Adventist Identify for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Three Cosmic Messages.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God".

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 22 and for the teacher’s edition.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why don’t you click on this link right now

---The Jews put a Shema on their doors which is Deuteronomy 6:4 that the Lord God is one. Hear [shema] o Israel.

---The Shema of Adventism is Revelation 14:6-12.

---Why? Two things: there is a time announced that started a Judgment and at 12 there is an ID mark of these faithful people as keeping the commandments and testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophecy.

---Time: When? Daniel 8:14 with the 2300 evenings and morning – days which with the year-day principle of prophecy, becomes 2300 years.

---Starting when? Ezra 7 for Daniel 9:24-27 dating Christ’s crucifixion, start counting at 457 BC. Isaac Newton the mathematician calculated it perfectly.

---My Calvinist student of William Foxwell Albright, prof. Charles Fensham wrote the New International Commentary on Ezra and Nehemia. He said about the dating for Ezra: there are three dates.

---1. 457/8 BC 2. 428 BC 3. 398/7 BC.

---He discussed all three. When he concluded he said: “the best one is 457/8 BC because it follows the Bible the closest”. I cannot remember if he kept to this date or chose personally for the commentary another. But I know where I am!

---So from 457 BC to 1844 you are going to calculate 2300 years. Thanks.

---What happened then? William Miller and others thought Jesus would come.

---He did not and someone had a vision realizing that Christ entered from the Holies to the Most Holy in 1844 because Daniel 8:14 is talking about a temple! Right?

---So putting Leviticus 16 and 23 and Hebrews 7-10 together with a heavenly sanctuary rather than an earthly one because the veil was torn at crucifixion in 31 AD, therefore Christ had a paradigm shift of function in heaven in 1844.

---What shift? Daniel 7:10-13 with the Judgment that sat and the Almighty coming closer as Judge and thrones. It had to happen after all the empires (four or five of them listed). After.

---The fifth little horn empire was 1260 years between 538-1798 AD.

---Why 1798? Napoleon arrested the pope. It is the end of the Holy Roman Empire.

---Why are they the Little Horn or fifth empire? Because of Revelation 13:18 with the 600+60+6 of vicarius filii dei counting in Latin that adds up to this number 666. Their eucharist and priest cult make Christ real in the hand of the priest and then the priest is the mediator between man and Christ which is the role of the Holy Spirit really.

---They kick the Holy Spirit out and take His role here. That is the sin. That is the abomination that causes desolation.

---That is the antichrist.

---But, these people was to keep the ten commandments including the Saturday Sabbath because the ID of the little Horn in Daniel 7:25 is that it changed the Saturday as Sabbath to the Sunday as Lord’s Day.

---Who? Calvinist Reformer George Joye said that it was the Catholic Church that did it in Daniel 7:25 fulfilled in his 1542 Daniel commentary on this verse. Now you know.

---So these people in 1844 will talk about Judgment and proper Sabbath keeping or ten commandments. And they did. And when Ellen White got her visions, they got their testimony of Jesus in the Spirit of Prophecy messages and counsels.

---These were not new or other than the Bible. It is back to the Bible content counsels.

---Is your church back to Julius Wellhausen the paper-cutter machine used to cut the Bible? Move. It is the wrong church.

---Ellen White is not a paper-cutter machine of the Bible. You can trust her and see for yourself online.

---But Wellhausen was an atheist and agnostic and on Wikipaedia you can read his confession and testimony and resignation from seminary because of this.

---Who do you want to follow? W-Wellhausen with no Bible or W-White back to the Bible.

---As a starter, just say, I want to follow the Bible. It is a good start. All ends there even if they follow Ellen White. Nice right?