The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Three Cosmic Messages in the series Lesson 8, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: Sabbath in many dimensions for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Three Cosmic Messages.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God".

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 64-66.

The allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why don’t you click on this link right now:

---For the love of Mammon and money, basically the same name, modern Jews in the world forgot their Creator and Sabbath became just a papa and mama day when they visit them on Rosh Hashanna or other high Jewish festival holidays.

---It is a preoccupation with their children and paying no attention on the reading of the Torah, of Deuteronomy, on anything spiritual really. The rabbi is for them just chattering. And father and mother encourage them to leave a big donation to the Rabbi. It will help their image in the community. Period. Back to agnosticism and atheism.

---Is this where Baby Boomers found themselves with Generation X also in Christianity?

---Forgetting the Creator God and Jesus and what true eternal rest in Christ is?

---PK children signing up as Lawyers in California swearing the oath that they will 100% sign up to the transsexuals and gay gender free choices without saying anything, will be inclusive of all, even the Devil if it must, and religion? Will not mention it and will never raise any issue about it. “So help me God.” Gulp.

---So when George Hegel died in 1832 the club of young atheist Hegelians were started that included Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Charles Darwin the Creator denier, and the list is actually longer. It is going to add Julius Wellhausen later and also the atheist God is Dead theologian Friedrich Nietzsche. And their modern disciple is Richard Dawkins and his cronies. They all belong to a worldwide atheistic club.

---And Seminaries and Society of Biblical Literature and BAR pays lips service to these men and cite them as inspiration in their articles and presentations and lectures and well, their thinking and methodology.

---Push the Sabbath as memorial or signal of the Creator out of their lives. That is the motto, whether Jew or Christian. They actually hold hands at these meetings. Eat together, laugh together, joke together, criticize and cut the Bible with a paper-cutter method of Wellhausen with a smile or tongue in the cheek feeling good that they are “progressive” in their thinking. Wow.

---But God and Christ and Creator and Sabbath is on a back-burner, actually forgotten or pushed out of conversation completely.

---So when Julius Wellhausen, the paper-cutter machine of the Bible was born in 1844, God saw the same date as the time for Christ to enter the Most Holy.

---And at Niniveh Layard was excavating and many tablets were found. One of the tablets was an Assyrian-Babylonian cuneiform bilingual dictionary.

---Sabbath was defined in the Dictionary. What is the meaning of Sabbath in 650 BC at Niniveh where the Israelites were living also since 723 BC?

---Sabbath means “rest of the heart”.

---After 1844 Adventists discovered the Sabbath truth and it became part of the Seventh-day Adventist doctrines and is currently a key in the 28 Fundamental beliefs of Adventism. The better one is the old 27 Fundamental Beliefs because it gives more detail how they got there. It is online.

---There were also found during the same time after 1844 at Niniveh Sabbath cycle weekly texts. These were hemerological text which was a daily prediction to the king what he should expect month by month happen every day in the future of that year.

---On Sabbaths he should not cook or travel out of his palace. It may be dangerous.

---Clearly the seventh days were all marked with the same styles so that one cannot miss the weekly Sabbath in these texts! Many of them are at Yale University today. Some are not even published yet. Many are.

---Sabbath remembrance. That is what it is all about in this week’s lesson. It is the eternal memorial of our Creator Jesus and Creator Trinity team. All of them involved. Filled with Agape love. Giving Christ to rest on Sabbath in the grave and only Resurrect after Sabbath so that all can enter the “eternal rest” by passing over the eternal death punishment of which all of us were guilty because of Adam as human of this earth representative. Christ paid it all, on Sabbath says Hebrews 4. Right?

---If we keep the Sabbath we remember Him as our Creator. We remember Jesus as our Substitute resting in the grave after Crucifixion on Friday 3 pm. We rest our hearts as Niniveh Dictionary says and also Psalm 119 over and over and over again. Are you? When? This coming Sabbath. Call the pastor or elder and tell him you are coming home. With your whole young family. All the kids, everyone. Right?