The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Three Cosmic Messages in the series Lesson 9, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: "Babylon is falling what about you for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Three Cosmic Messages”.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God"

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 78.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?


---Ellen White says in Great Controversy 383 that the Fall of Babylon cannot be just the papacy. It must be more than that at the end time, falling of the daughters or Protestantism as well.

---What is falling Protestantism? Confessions and Traditions that got them entangled not to be willing to correct themselves when new light approach them from the Bible exegesis.

---That is falling faith. Falling doctrines. Falling churches. Falling Protestantism. Falling of the spiritual agendas of literal Babylon. The papacy is still the MMTRC the “Main Man That Really Counts”.

---These are loyalists and ecumenical congress sitters that is holding the hands with the papacy. All churches signed up to Justification Document.

---Salvation is by faith in Christ only and we cannot contribute to His obedience and offer of salvation to us.

---Anglican Calvinist John W. Stott said it. Semi-Armenian/semi-Wesleyan Ellen White [so A. Orlandini 2014 Andrews University dissertation] said the same. Paul said the same in Romans and Galatians.

---Our Obedience cannot buy our way to heaven. Period.

---But what is the role then of Obedience in the Old and New Testaments that appeared on each page?

---Obedience that is not just half-obedience? Not half-heartedness. Perfect obedience. Totally walking after the Law and will of God and His precepts. Psalm 119.

---The true role of striving and acting and doing obedience is not to save yourself or add to Christ’s gift of grace.

---The true role of obedience is for Christ to use this new transformed person’s obedience as a template or video in heaven at the unfallen worlds that they can see what happened to humans as sinners that are saved with His blood and transformed in cooperation with the Holy Spirit to new people.

---The Conflict of the Ages are involved here. It is not just our earth and humanity. It is the universe and unfallen worlds as well. The drama touch everyone.

---Why did it take 6000 years for Jesus to come? Are there only 20 unfallen worlds? 2000? 20,000? 20 trillion? And all needs our lives to shine for Christ as happiness for the Trinity’s love so exemplified. Right?

---So how is your life?

---In David’s Our Father prayer in 1 Chronicles 29:17 he said that God “is very pleased with the uprightness of heart”.

---Is your heart upright?

---Do you want to change your heart? When? Right now. Call the nearest Adventist Church and contact an elder or pastor. You need to be there.

---You did not know you are in the spotlight. On the stage! You are part of the Drama of the Universe! Your actions count. It makes a difference. If it is not here, it is there. Many eyes are watching you. Did you grab your smartphone and search? Now is the time.