Can I be forgiven by the excellent scholars who worked on this article studying Paleo-linguistics and Paleo-Archaeology with the focus on Textiles?
Forgiven because their dates are considered guesses as they differ between themselves with hundreds and thousands of years apart. 
---I prefer to use the biblical chronology and say their examples are all post-dating 2692 BC, the year of Noah's Flood. The Flood solves the dinosaurs sudden disappearance at least. 
---Their study did not. They are not biblicists. But I am. 
---This study is very interesting since the movement was from Turkey area over to China and Russia and down to Mongolia and into Korea and also Japan. 
---Study the diagrams especially. 
---For your Korean, Chinese and Japanese audience and maybe Russian and Mongolian, here is a very good study of what I consider is the post Flood textile conditions in Asia showing their migration or dependence or movements or all of them from 2692 BC [Flood date] to end of Late Bronze. 
---Hope you enjoy it. I adjusted the anthropologists guesses with more stable info from the Biblical text. 
---You are free to have your own opinion on it, but this is how I arrange the data.
ps. If biblical archaeologists come to Korea in future, ask someone to take you to see the Early Bronze combware pottery at Amsadong next to the Hanriver.  All taxi-drivers know where the museum and excavation site is. 

Sarah Nelson,1 Irina Zhushchikhovskaya,2 Tao Li,3,4 Mark Hudson,3 and Martine Robbeets3,*

“Tracing population movements in ancient East Asia through the linguistics and archaeology of textile production”